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Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink


Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink

After having waited for over 5 months to receive my Vista Express Upgrade from Moduslink, they cancelled my order without warning.
Here is a short history:

1. Jan. Ordered the upgrade via the SONY website, which redirects you to Moduslink. Their website was extremely cranky and it took several times to place the order.

2. You are told that the upgrades will be sent at the end of March.

3. After the end of March phoned Moduslink twice and both times was assured all was well

4. April. Received an email to say that the order would be cancelled in 2 days because the credit card reservation had expired (due to their own tardiness)

5. Same day. Went to website to find that the order was already cancelled.

6. Next day. Phoned them and was told that I had to reorder!

7. Went to website to find that SONY customers can no longer re-order

8. Phoned SONY helpline. Got job number and was told they would escalate the problem and would call me back in 2 days.

9. 3 days later. No call back. Rang them and they said they would chase and call me back in a week.

10 1 week later. No call back so I phoned them. Asked me to wait another week. I refused. Got the supervisor who was helpful. Chased without success but called me back in a couple of hours. (A little victory!)Promised to chase again and call me back today.

11. No call back......

SONY! Listen! This is not a good way to treat your customers. Now I have had all the excuses about it being a deal between Microsoft and Moduslink, but you were very keen, no doubt, to publicise the Vista Upgrade on your website in order to sell more machines in the dog days just before Vista came out! You have a resposibility to correct this state of affairs. I bought the VAIO on the basis that I could Vista it for free.

Does any of this sound familiar to any readers?


do u think ill receive it before jun 19th cuz after that im going on holiday for 4months :tongue:

I hope so for your sake.. :pray:


Soon after I posted on the sticky thread I got a call from a SONY man in Brussels. He seems to be a bit higher up than normal and he seemed to manage a bit of string pulling with caused Moduslink to call me, which was a giant leap for mankind.

Also it is very important to start a job number going with VAIO tech support and keep chasing it and ask that it be elevated to Brussels. That way the VAIO man in Brussels can keep an eye on your case....that's what he told me anyway...

So everyone....keep posting problem updates here, but most importantly...raise a tech support number and post it with the crucial details ONCE ONLY on the sticky thread. This seems to be working for me. So far this week Moduslink have created a new order and taken a payment and promised a delivery. That's more acknowledgement and help than I have had in 5 months from that useless shower.

Meld is right, this is the best way to get any help.


Ok it is 6pm friday and i havent received a phone call nor an email from sony or moduslink even though they told me they would call me and email me confirmation thursday or friday.....i guess theres no hope after all :slight_frown:


Don't give up a7med...keep on being a thorn in someone's I describe above.


....coming up to two weeks and still no delivery....

Well they did say 2 to three weeks for some I guess I should wait another week.

Also, being June 6th it is a bit of an anniversary....yes...I placed the original order on Jan 6th


Thanks guys for all your help ive received an email from moduslink after phoning sony twice, which says may Vista has been shippedand will arrive within 3 weeks :heart_eyes: .........not the wait begins will it actually come :laughing:


Good luck on that a7med,

As you can see, I am 2 weeks into the 3 week wait. I suppose they are rowing it across the North Sea. What do you reckon?

Even now after all this I don't really believe they'll send it...

It's very disapointing the way they've treated people, they could well afford to put it on express delivery, there's no way that it should take 3 weeks unless they're using the land rather than air post.

Absolutely crazy, I really hope they don't get the contract for Vienna.


The last thing any of us need is that the vista copies get lost or stolen ......i would be demanding free sony products :laughing: ......the least thing they could of done is give us a tracking number and ship it with a good carrier suchas ups