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Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink


Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink

After having waited for over 5 months to receive my Vista Express Upgrade from Moduslink, they cancelled my order without warning.
Here is a short history:

1. Jan. Ordered the upgrade via the SONY website, which redirects you to Moduslink. Their website was extremely cranky and it took several times to place the order.

2. You are told that the upgrades will be sent at the end of March.

3. After the end of March phoned Moduslink twice and both times was assured all was well

4. April. Received an email to say that the order would be cancelled in 2 days because the credit card reservation had expired (due to their own tardiness)

5. Same day. Went to website to find that the order was already cancelled.

6. Next day. Phoned them and was told that I had to reorder!

7. Went to website to find that SONY customers can no longer re-order

8. Phoned SONY helpline. Got job number and was told they would escalate the problem and would call me back in 2 days.

9. 3 days later. No call back. Rang them and they said they would chase and call me back in a week.

10 1 week later. No call back so I phoned them. Asked me to wait another week. I refused. Got the supervisor who was helpful. Chased without success but called me back in a couple of hours. (A little victory!)Promised to chase again and call me back today.

11. No call back......

SONY! Listen! This is not a good way to treat your customers. Now I have had all the excuses about it being a deal between Microsoft and Moduslink, but you were very keen, no doubt, to publicise the Vista Upgrade on your website in order to sell more machines in the dog days just before Vista came out! You have a resposibility to correct this state of affairs. I bought the VAIO on the basis that I could Vista it for free.

Does any of this sound familiar to any readers?


You're on a roll now Meld.


Actually I will believe this once I have the item in my hand!



Well, one week has now passed and no sign of the promised upgrade yet. I suppose I must be patient since they quoted 2 weeks. Again though, I think this is a delaying tactic because it cannot take that long to travel the short distance between Holland and UK.

So...we will see...


Hi there,

I ordered my Vista through Moduslink and it took over a month to reach me. When I first put the order through I was expecting it within two weeks. When I looked at my bank statement I realised that they hadn't even charged me so I emailed them and someone replied saying that it was now ordered and should be with me in a couple of weeks. Made me think what the hell the original order was for then! Anyway it did arrive within a couple of weeks but while Vista looks good I am shocked that it still can't be used with so many different programs. My poor laptop is now extremely slow and I am really wishing I had just stuck with XP! Microsoft was too much in a hurry to make money rather than test Vista out. So while Moduslink is letting you down, I reckon you should consider it a favour. Saying that though I know what it is like to get a new "toy" so good luck trying to get this sorted out.

Enjoy the sunny day as I am not seeing any rain..yet :smileygrin:


Well, one week has now passed and no sign of the promised upgrade yet. I suppose I must be patient since they quoted 2 weeks. Again though, I think this is a delaying tactic because it cannot take that long to travel the short distance between Holland and UK.

So...we will see...

been two weeks for mine now :slight_smile: dispatched a little before yours meld - they quoted 3 weeks i think, so im not getting my complaint-cape out just yet :slight_smile: Problem is i'm at home everyday at the moment, so everytime i see a delivery van pull up i get somewhat excited... then it just turns out to be paper work 😞


I called Sony yesterday and all they said we will send ur case over to moduslink and they will call u on friday (i hope they do), because last time i called moduslink they told me its sonys problem we cant do anything :slight_frown:

Hi a7med_360,

We have been informed that someone from Sony is actively working on trying to resolve this for the members who have posted details in the thread ... :slight_smile:


This is what Moduslink told me:

When you place the order with Moduslink they use your card to reserve a payment from your bank account. This deletes after a certain period of time and when they finally (some months later) try and debit your account, they are unable to do so and so they cancel your order.

I've never heard of this before.

I can tell you that I ordered a second copy of Vista from them for another laptop (Toshiba) and the same thing happened except they shipped the upgrade after they told be there was a card problem! So I got that one, despite the fact that they said they had a problem with my card.

This Toshiba order went through in about 4 months. I phoned them just after I got the dreaded email about my card and they told me it would be ok and to forget the cancellation email.

Sure enough the item arrived.

Not so with the SONY.

Moduslink told me that they were waiting for drivers from SONY but I can't say if that was true or not. Seems to be wrong since I see from this Forum that others have had their copy....though I also see that Vista does not come without a certain amount of aggravation...

i have the same problem


Hi a7med_360,

We have been informed that someone from Sony is actively working on trying to resolve this for the members who have posted details in the thread ... :slight_smile:

thanks Thalamus, do u think ill receive it before jun 19th cuz after that im going on holiday for 4months :tongue: