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Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink


Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink

After having waited for over 5 months to receive my Vista Express Upgrade from Moduslink, they cancelled my order without warning.
Here is a short history:

1. Jan. Ordered the upgrade via the SONY website, which redirects you to Moduslink. Their website was extremely cranky and it took several times to place the order.

2. You are told that the upgrades will be sent at the end of March.

3. After the end of March phoned Moduslink twice and both times was assured all was well

4. April. Received an email to say that the order would be cancelled in 2 days because the credit card reservation had expired (due to their own tardiness)

5. Same day. Went to website to find that the order was already cancelled.

6. Next day. Phoned them and was told that I had to reorder!

7. Went to website to find that SONY customers can no longer re-order

8. Phoned SONY helpline. Got job number and was told they would escalate the problem and would call me back in 2 days.

9. 3 days later. No call back. Rang them and they said they would chase and call me back in a week.

10 1 week later. No call back so I phoned them. Asked me to wait another week. I refused. Got the supervisor who was helpful. Chased without success but called me back in a couple of hours. (A little victory!)Promised to chase again and call me back today.

11. No call back......

SONY! Listen! This is not a good way to treat your customers. Now I have had all the excuses about it being a deal between Microsoft and Moduslink, but you were very keen, no doubt, to publicise the Vista Upgrade on your website in order to sell more machines in the dog days just before Vista came out! You have a resposibility to correct this state of affairs. I bought the VAIO on the basis that I could Vista it for free.

Does any of this sound familiar to any readers?


It's nothing to do with Sony, they're not the same as Moduslink. But I feel Moduslink shouldn't be charging £20 for a copy of Vista when it's saying it's free and you only pay the shipping, for £20 you could have UPS send it as a standard small parcel from the US>UK easily, and well within 48hrs.


but if they did use standard air mail which is more or less free as its dead cheap some places it would have arrived in a week..... there has to be a catch to this

Love the avatar!

Yeah I don't get it, I think it's corperate nonsense again and really you're paying a fee to get Vista, there's no such thing as a free lunch.


Right now I've paid for the lunch ut the waiter has not shown up!

I think Chris De Burgh summed it up "don't pay the ferryman until he gets you to the other side"

Moduslink have got a lot of stick about this on every PC forum, 'bout time they pulled their finger out.


This must be such bad publicity for moduslink


Moduslink clearly don't give a damn. They charge £11 to £15 delivery charge but it takes three weeks to deliver the goods. I can't think of a delvery company that can be that bad. In other words they are probably taking the money and banking a lot of it. Who knows.

Anyway, their promise to me expires in 5 days and we will see if they can honour their promise and their contract. If they don't then this thread will become very very active again!

Put it this way, I ordered a free copy of Ubuntu Linux 2 weeks ago, they said it would take 3-6 weeks, was here after 13 days.

That was without a £20 charge....


Good News. I finally got my Vista Upgrade after 5 months and 1 week.

Interesting to note that it came without a delivery note, order number and it was posted in Greenford Middx UK no more than 20 miles from where I live. So, I am glad to get it but I still don't understand why it took two and a half weeks to get here...just part of the Moduslink fiddle I guess.

Now the real work begins. The installation manual is so full of disclaimers that it boggles the mind.

Excellent news Meld, glad you finally have your Vista upgrade disc.. :slight_smile: