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Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink


Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink

After having waited for over 5 months to receive my Vista Express Upgrade from Moduslink, they cancelled my order without warning.
Here is a short history:

1. Jan. Ordered the upgrade via the SONY website, which redirects you to Moduslink. Their website was extremely cranky and it took several times to place the order.

2. You are told that the upgrades will be sent at the end of March.

3. After the end of March phoned Moduslink twice and both times was assured all was well

4. April. Received an email to say that the order would be cancelled in 2 days because the credit card reservation had expired (due to their own tardiness)

5. Same day. Went to website to find that the order was already cancelled.

6. Next day. Phoned them and was told that I had to reorder!

7. Went to website to find that SONY customers can no longer re-order

8. Phoned SONY helpline. Got job number and was told they would escalate the problem and would call me back in 2 days.

9. 3 days later. No call back. Rang them and they said they would chase and call me back in a week.

10 1 week later. No call back so I phoned them. Asked me to wait another week. I refused. Got the supervisor who was helpful. Chased without success but called me back in a couple of hours. (A little victory!)Promised to chase again and call me back today.

11. No call back......

SONY! Listen! This is not a good way to treat your customers. Now I have had all the excuses about it being a deal between Microsoft and Moduslink, but you were very keen, no doubt, to publicise the Vista Upgrade on your website in order to sell more machines in the dog days just before Vista came out! You have a resposibility to correct this state of affairs. I bought the VAIO on the basis that I could Vista it for free.

Does any of this sound familiar to any readers?


congratsssssss man .....update us how it runs

I'm suprised the DVD didn't get a hackney cab to your house, that would cost £20


Thanks for your support on this. It kept me sane.

Look out for my next thread...I'm sure I'll have something to say about the upgrade process!


I too have been treated in the same way but with a slight difference. HP that I had came two weeks fantastic. Sony we have two Vaios They cancelled me twice, They said payment would not process, I phoned and a nice bloke reordered both vistas iwas entitled too. three weeks and I got an email. One had been shipped the other cancelled, now after many emails and phone calls the office is closed. This is a poor deal. You may wonder why so many new computers. Well I was burgled now I feel robbed by sony too. Someone you take hold and sort this out so we get the upgrades we were promised.

Hi Krissyjj,

Please could you post brief details of your particular problems in the ARE YOU STILL WAITING FOR VISTA FROM MODUSLINK thread.. :slight_smile:

You're not alone feeling robbed, a couple of friends of mine had the same thing, but with other makes.

Posted as Asked
Brief as I can. Family own three computers I Hp Desktop 2 Sony Vaio purchases same day.
Hp upgrade came two weeks installed lovely. Sony Vaio different story.
Originally I ordered them online back in February. mid march got a email saying orders had been cancelled payment refused, (no reason my end for this). Got on the phone as it was past some date for processing according to the email. A very nice chap resurrected the orders in doing so he split the order in two as one has Basic and One needs premium. He told me the payment had processed and was fine. Lo and behold a couple of weeks later I received an email to say that the first order for the basic had been shipped. Hurrah anyway that one did ship and I have it. As for the second order no 3553076 ,I received an email saying it had been cancelled, on the phone I got again to be told if my payment had not proccessed that was it no upgrade. I am persitant and held on to the guy who then checked all sorts of things and told me to sen an email listing all contact, which I did. That was follwed by an email which basically said order cancelled prove you paid or go away. The office is now shut and I think this is one huge B*****s up. They have been inefficient and must have breached several trading standard laws. There is now no line of contact. I have saved all emails in case someone at sony gets their finger out and extend ther date for upgrades again. Hope this is what you wanted me to post. Best of luck to anyone else out there trying to still get their upgrade. :thinking:

Hi Krissyjj,

I can confirm that Sony have been in contact with Moduslink on your behalf.. :slight_smile:


Thank you
And yes I had an email today asking for proof of payment. I will keep you posted as to how I get on, but thanks for whatever you did.
I am new to posting on a forum, but it has been really helpful
Kris :slight_smile:

You're welcome Kris, yes please keep me posted as things progress.. :slight_smile: