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Sony WH-1000XM3 Muting in the Cold

Sony WH-1000XM3 Muting in the Cold

Is there a way to turn off gesture control on the 1000XM3s? It barely works in optimal conditions and when standing outisde in cold weather they will consistently register swipes (even though nothing has touched the headphones), either turning volume up/down or skipping tracks and after about 1 minute they will mute as if I am holding my hand over the right ear. Any suggestions?

244 REPLIES 244

It seems that Sony has just issued a fix to its repair centers. However, it appears to not be a simple software update, as parts need to be changed on the headset. But the touch issues are supposedly fixed by this.


Contact your local warranty / customer service / repair service for more info. I will update as soon as I get my headset back. Cheers!

I just got a much better reply from a service agent at Sony.

The agent recommended that I hold on to the headphones until their investigation (in Tokyo) was done. They have a case open internally and will contact all customers when the investigation is done. Also mentioned that the ANC problem is most likely due to 4.1.1 and that the next version should have sorted this.


So I'm going to hold on to the headphones for now.


And as a final note, this morning it was -10c when I left for work and didnt have the problem once (journey included walking, train and tube).

That gives me hope. I'll be keeping the headphones for a bit longer.

I'll believe it when I see it. Here's to hoping!

If this does solve the problems, I think I'm getting myself a new headset.

Cold in Stockholm this morning, about -10 centigrades.

Walking from the train station to work, the cans started acting up, so did both an optimization and then restarted them for good measure.

Interestingly enough, the cans only beeped once when it triggered the Google Assistance.

Note, it only triggered the Assistant this once in the morning and once on my way home, nothing else.

Earlier the headphones were almost frantic with beeps, skips etc.

If this one, and only one, optimization and restart is enough to fix the problem (at least to some extent) it's okay with me.

After some initial encouragement last week, I've just had some disappointing news from Sony on this issue. They've advised that for the time being, they're unable to offer any solution except for the workaround. Given the rumours of a possible fix, I had hoped I might get something more positive, but it appears not.


I had planned to send them back this weekend, but held off after they promissed to get back to me a.s.a.p... alas that does not inspire confidence, so it looks like they'll be on their way back to Amazon very soon.


Hi everyone!

I received my headphones yesterday, back from the authorized Sony service center. 
I have been told they changed the board responsible for the touch control with a new updated one.
I rode my bike yesterday evening, in/out of shops, and this morning to work,  in Oslo. Temps ranged between 2 and -5 Celsius. I would have had several issues previously, but I am pleased to report that none occurred, not even the google assistant message. I have not tried extensively the touch control while outside (I wear gloves).
They have the same serial number and paired directly with my phone (not a complete new unit).


It is so enjoyable to be able to commute without any listening issues. Now they are really great headphones :upside_down: I hope I will not have the issues again.



@pepite_ wrote:

Hi everyone!

I received my headphones yesterday, back from the authorized Sony service center. 
I have been told they changed the board responsible for the touch control with a new updated one.

That's great news. I guess Sweden may be prioritised for fixes because of it's cooler winter climate.


Only yesterday I got a response back from Sony when I specifically asked about the possibility of a service centre fix that stated "...we do not recommend you get the headset inspected by any service centre, as this phenomena is not a hardware malfunction".


Mad really! Maybe not a malfunction as such, but certainly an unreasonable tolerance issue.


I'm encouraged by your news and now wavering in terms of whether or not I return them for my refund... The idea that a fix might make it to the UK service centres in time would likely encourage me to keep them, as I'm still not that keen on the alternative products currently available.


Think I may go back to them and point them at your news... Maybe I can find someone who knows what's really happening with this issue!?

@pepite_ wrote:

Hi everyone!

I received my headphones yesterday, back from the authorized Sony service center. 
I have been told they changed the board responsible for the touch control with a new updated one.
I rode my bike yesterday evening, in/out of shops, and this morning to work,  in Oslo. Temps ranged between 2 and -5 Celsius.



Great news!
Fingers crossed they'll start fixing headsets in Sweden soon then! The agent I emailed with said they have me on a list and will let me know when a fix is in place so hoping to hear from Sony soon.