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Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink


Vista Upgrade was cancelled by Moduslink

After having waited for over 5 months to receive my Vista Express Upgrade from Moduslink, they cancelled my order without warning.
Here is a short history:

1. Jan. Ordered the upgrade via the SONY website, which redirects you to Moduslink. Their website was extremely cranky and it took several times to place the order.

2. You are told that the upgrades will be sent at the end of March.

3. After the end of March phoned Moduslink twice and both times was assured all was well

4. April. Received an email to say that the order would be cancelled in 2 days because the credit card reservation had expired (due to their own tardiness)

5. Same day. Went to website to find that the order was already cancelled.

6. Next day. Phoned them and was told that I had to reorder!

7. Went to website to find that SONY customers can no longer re-order

8. Phoned SONY helpline. Got job number and was told they would escalate the problem and would call me back in 2 days.

9. 3 days later. No call back. Rang them and they said they would chase and call me back in a week.

10 1 week later. No call back so I phoned them. Asked me to wait another week. I refused. Got the supervisor who was helpful. Chased without success but called me back in a couple of hours. (A little victory!)Promised to chase again and call me back today.

11. No call back......

SONY! Listen! This is not a good way to treat your customers. Now I have had all the excuses about it being a deal between Microsoft and Moduslink, but you were very keen, no doubt, to publicise the Vista Upgrade on your website in order to sell more machines in the dog days just before Vista came out! You have a resposibility to correct this state of affairs. I bought the VAIO on the basis that I could Vista it for free.

Does any of this sound familiar to any readers?



Are you still waiting for VISTA Express disc's From MODUSLINK?

If so please click HERE and supply details.. :slight_smile:


OK I will add my details to this new thread.....


Further action from SONY followed by inaction from Hopelesslink!

Had a call from SONY today. Asking if I have taken a call from Moduslink. No such luck I'm afraid. Maybe the Sony people have yet to learn just how useless Moduslink are.
Oh well. Thanks for trying.

Anyway, the nice SONY bloke said he will keep on trying. So the problem is still, there is a thread begun in the Software part of this forum too.



Yet again I have received an email from Uselesslink thus:

It came from "Esacalation Moduslink" and so I wonder if this is the result of comms between Sony and Moduslink. If so, then the comms was unsuccessful and the battle continues.
Dear Ms. meld51,

Thank you for contacting the Microsoft Upgrade Program Customer Service.

Regarding your Windows Vista Upgrade, we regret to inform you that your order didn't go through correctly and therefore it is cancelled. As the upgrade period for the Upgrade Redemption Support Center has expired on May 11, we are unable to assist in with placing any new order.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Kind Regards,
Microsoft Upgrade Program Customer Service

Address :
Technical Upgrade Program Vista
P.O. Box 252
7300 AG Apeldoorn
The Netherlands


So I phoned Sony about this and their phone menu system is not working correctly and I cannot get through to the correct support line. They will try and sort it out and get back to me.


Reading Personal Computer World yesterday on a flight and I saw that Moduslink were the subject of the main editorial. So they should be. Still no useful outcome to this saga.

By the way, I'm surprised that there are not many responses to the Moduslink logging thread...maybe I am one of a very unlucky few. If anyone does have this problem then I'd encourage you to log your problem on this thread, though I've heard nothing positive from SONY or Moduslink yet...

I just hope Moduslink don't get the contract again, this has been a let down and people blame Sony for the problems when they're not a Sony company.


I understand what you're saying Kee-Lo but SONY were happy to advertise and endorse the upgrade service and place links on their website. This would be a bid to encourage people to buy new computers in the period just before Vista came out. There was probably a forecast dip in sales just before Vista. SONY will undoubtedly have reaped some benefit because of this offer.

Therefore, SONY must bear some of the responsibility for this unhappy state of affairs and they have a duty to make things right.

By the way, I registered my problem several days ago on the thread as recommended... and I have had no response from SONY so far even though there are only two or three complainers.

Last week I could not even progress my open job number because they could not find it. Apparently their telephone menu system had broken down and I was diverted to the wrong department.

So, forgive my cynicism and anger, but so far I have tried 3 different routes to a solution to this problem...without any resolution at all.

By the way, I registered my problem several days ago on the thread as recommended... and I have had no response from SONY so far even though there are only two or three complainers.

Hi Meld,

I'll try and find out how things are progressing with the escalations.. :slight_smile:


Thanks Thalamus...appreciated