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Sony WH-1000XM3 Muting in the Cold

Sony WH-1000XM3 Muting in the Cold

Is there a way to turn off gesture control on the 1000XM3s? It barely works in optimal conditions and when standing outisde in cold weather they will consistently register swipes (even though nothing has touched the headphones), either turning volume up/down or skipping tracks and after about 1 minute they will mute as if I am holding my hand over the right ear. Any suggestions?

244 REPLIES 244

@andrew_ashby wrote:



Many thanks for the update. I will kick off a similar discussion and hopefully we will get the support that this issue deserves - it would be a shame to have to go and burst Sony's 'best n/c product in the universe' bubble in the broader community, over something fixable like this. ......

Good luck with that!


My latest is that they're investigating the outcome of the troubleshooting steps I performed (i.e. factory reset). Which (surprise, surprise) didn't fix the issue.


Apparently based on the outcome of that investigation they'll decide whether or not the device requires a service.


I'm awaiting another update! 


However, much as I love the headphones otherwise, their handling of this issue (and issues in general, like the 4.1.1 firmware updated reducing the effectiveness of the noise-cancelling) has left me increasingly frustrated such that I'm now once again more likely to return them than keep them.

@mruddo wrote:

However, much as I love the headphones otherwise, their handling of this issue (and issues in general, like the 4.1.1 firmware updated reducing the effectiveness of the noise-cancelling) has left me increasingly frustrated such that I'm now once again more likely to return them than keep them.

Same for me, these are great headphones (and their flagship Headphones) but the way they've handled this issue is beyond bad. I would have expected to at least have a interim firmware release which rolled back what ever they did to the ANC

It's now been suggested I send mine back to Sony for "inspection/repair".


Trouble is, they still refuse to acknowledge there's a fix for this issue... so what assurance do I have they'll actually do anything other than send them back to me after confirming they work just as well (or not) as any other pair? I've asked that question, but I'm not too hopeful I'll get a sufficiently reassuring response.


If I do return them to Sony, by the time they come back to me I'll have missed my opportinity for a full refund with Amazon. As such, alas, I think returning them there is the more likely option for me. 


Flagship headphones, flagship price, anything but flagship support!

Apparently the engineers will be updating the link (i.e. statement of 20 Dec 2018) once there are updates to be shared. In the meantime, I'm supposed to trust they can diagnose and fix it - yet they still refuse to acknowledge a fix exists.


Enough's enough... I've sent them back - to Amazon, for a refund!  :disappointed_relieved:


Tomorrow I shall return to my trusty Shure IEMs and ponder my next move.

So anyone got any news about this, thread hasn't been bumped in a week and with spring coming this will be forgotten soon enough until winter comes back.


Personally, it seems like having a hoodie and not touching the touch panel while outside makes the issues way less worse. Still, not a fix but at least kind of bearable.


I've spoken via email with my country's Sony customersupport. They told me that I can send my heaphones to local service (outsourced to different company) and they are able to fix this problem.


But to be honest I'm really pessimist about this, local service shop has really bad reputation.  I called them and asked are they able to fix this problem or not, only thing they were willing to say was "send those headphones to us and our mechanic guys will check them". So I didn't get any helpfull answer from them by phone. Most likely this service will take month or two, they just open the headphones and don't find anything broken so nothing will be changed. But let's see, maybe miracles can happen..

I've sent headphones to service few days ago, so don't expect any info about how this service went soon..

That's exactly why I returned mine. They simply refused to even acknowledge there was a fix.


My suspicion was that I'd return them and they'd decide there was nothing wrong with them (at least no more wrong than any other pair) and I'd be none the wiser until the next spell of cold weather.


I do miss them... But hopefully they'll be replaced when something worthy comes along.

Current status of my service is that they have ordered new "SUB MOUNTED PC BOARD ASSY, SV.", interesting to see when this arrives and is this fixing the problems.

same problem here. bought the headset two weeks ago. after reading this post, i decide to return it for now.

I dont really want to take the risk for not having a fix when im living in Canada right now. It is a good headset though. It's just so weird that they haven't tested their product properly.

I had a new experience with my headphones yesterday. Its been cold in Stockholm again so I performed "the (non) fix" by turning the fully charged headphones on after I stepped outside.

After about 5min in the cold the headphones muted, so I restarted.

Then a minute later Siri chimed in... then it went crazy... lots of beeping and eventually the headphones told me I was out of battery. So I restarted them (again) and pressed the buttong to hear the battery level "Fully charged"...