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I need help


I need help


When trying to move music onto my new NWZ-B162, I get error message saying it cannot locate the device certificate, can anyone help me.  I have tried using WMP and Windows Explorer to move the music but same thing happens.



Accepted Solutions


Looking at previous models of the B series, they did not support copy protected music or files with DRM (Digital Rights Management). This is normally added to a song prior to it being imported onto your computer via CD.

As default, a program like Windows Media Player rips a CD in WMA with copy protection. My best recommendation is if you have imported from CD, have a look at the rip settings in WMP and make sure copy protect is unticked.

If this has been ticked, then sadly, you will need to reimport your music again.

I hope that provides some clarity in your enquiry.         

View solution in original post



Looking at previous models of the B series, they did not support copy protected music or files with DRM (Digital Rights Management). This is normally added to a song prior to it being imported onto your computer via CD.

As default, a program like Windows Media Player rips a CD in WMA with copy protection. My best recommendation is if you have imported from CD, have a look at the rip settings in WMP and make sure copy protect is unticked.

If this has been ticked, then sadly, you will need to reimport your music again.

I hope that provides some clarity in your enquiry. 

Didn't find this thread when I created a posting about a similar problem using media Player 11 on an XP machine synching to an NWZ-B163 walkman. I was synching a playlist which was all tracks ripped from CD, some of which were synched correctly, and others gave an error with the 'unable to obtain device certificate' message. No replies to that post, but it has happened again with a new mp3 of the same type. Looking at the properties of one of the tracks that errored, WMP shows that it 'may be synchronized an unlimited number of times'. For one of those which synchronized OK, which I had converted from a casette tape, it says 'not protected'. Looking at the tracks in the playlist which had problems in October, I see that there is the same difference between those that were OK, and those that failed. As I said earlier, all those were ripped from CD. Perhaps the error occurs when the properties of the tracks are different. That shouldn't be the case if all the tracks are on the same ripped CD though. Next question is: Can you change the Media Usage Rights on the track properties?

Can't change the Media Usage rights for the tracks in their properties, so you have to remove the songs/albums from the library, then change the Rip settings as suggested by Watshiwateshdes, and re-rip them. (In WMP 11 that's Rip, More Options, Rip Music, and uncheck the 'copy protect' box). Mine were defaulting to 'copy protect' everything, but I had been able to synchronize lots of tracks which I had ripped using that setting, so some CDs were being ripped and the tracks weren't being protected in the same way as tracks from other CDs. Every track that I have successfully synchronized has the usage rights property set to 'Not protected', and all those which gave the 'device certificate' error had a list of 5 items in the properties, including 'can be synchronized an unlimited number of times', which is clearly completely untrue.

At first, Unfortunatelly I need to say, that this product os Sony music company, is absolutelly rubbish. I would like to appologize to admin at fifrst, but it is an holly true. I had a same walkmen from previous line a years before and it was a best MP3 player I ever had. But when I bought an mp3 player from NWZ-B163F line I was deeply disappointed. Beside the everlasting software troubbles, there is an absolutely unfunctional and disgusting seding od MP3. It seems to be m uch longer, than the previous player, what is less more confortable with using it in sport activities, the second thing is huge auful regulation wheel. Oh Santa, what I do wrong!!!! Also very unconfortable with using. So I dont want to complaining more about an recording functions. So at sum, we have there an player the same as the players  from previous line, with auful ´& unfunction desing. Costing much more money.

Dont ask, how can somebody help you. Go to the music store, and ask your money back!!!!

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