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Sony Tablet ICS April/May (UK&Europe) My Thoughs & Feelings + more


Sony Tablet ICS April/May (UK&Europe) My Thoughs & Feelings + more

OK lets start right from the beginning:

Hi all, (long post SORRY!!)

I am a huge Sony fan! (I wont say was as you are just about clinging on to me by a thread)

From the MDRZX700's which I reviewed very favrouable on youtube, to the Vita. From My TV and amp to my Xperia S.. I have collected lots and more along the way, my friends have dubbed me the sony wh*re but im getting just ever so slightly disapointed now...

I dont have a problem with different roll out dates for software nor do I have a problem with my country getting any software updates later than others. (I do live in the UK and according to certain reports Sonys sale are made up greatly from the UK's custom).

What I have a problem with is the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing mentality. When Sony US decided to release ICS in April for USA Tablet S devices it should have spoken with other divisions of sony around the world before making the statement that ICS was been rolled out. And then an official line should have been agreed upon.

This head in the sand attitude adopted by sony is what is really driving fans mad.

I can see Sony is on a bit of a turn around at the moment with some interesting ideas set in place for their phones and I can see they are making a push to reclaim the top spot after maybe a slight wobble. What appear to be tiny things like a software update really matter, dont let lack of communication be what slips up sony.

I dont want to speak on the behalf of others as I dont have the right, however all I would greatfuly ask for is:

Upfront and clear communication, On your select ap page here in the UK you still have posts on it from last year..!! Just looks dated someone needs to work on info/bumf news and post weekly!!! Even if its  just to say check out our new Xperia GX etc..

Make everything gel together better, I can see you are trying to do this with the passport idea but its still messy..

Software with Sony plays a key part (not talking android here) and in the past I mself who studied electonic eng at uni have felt like banging my head against a screen or two.

Learn to commuincate with your customers, be creative and inspirational.. Lead dont follow. You can take Apple etc on you just need the right people and at this moment in time I think this is whats sadly missing. Men in suits, rather than out of the box thinkers who can commuincate with the many rather than the stuffy old few.

OK OK I have waffled enough now...

All im saying is learn to communicate better because if you can almost loose an utter sony nut like me then you can easily lose anybody.

(For anyone who wants to add I can root it, Yip I can but I dont want to.. I am happy to have a warrenty and doing so voids it. Also is it really my responsibility? If we take a look at ICS on the Tablet S it does from early reports fix things that should have been fine with the tablet S in the first place like its ability to forget your Wifi in a second. I should not have to work around problems a bit like the flash viewing/dont get me started on adroids fragmentation with so many other devices).

To the moderator I hear sony dont really view these sites, I do guess that you must commuincate to them from time to time so if you wouldnt mind stressing the feelings of the forum that would be great.

to finish, this is more of a plea really to Sony but i feel we a treading a never ending circle... I dont really want to go else where.. start to listen...

thank you for your time sony and the forum

sorry to rant!!! :slight_smile:

fingers crossed one light bulb goes on @ Sony HQ and  an exec think I see it all we needed to say was we are just finalising the Europe update lets keep the fans updated... also never be affraid to say sorry its not a mark of weakness its a sign youve listened

im also interested to hear others thoughts on this subject... :slight_smile:

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla


I’ve been on at Sony UK through Twitter but no response :neutral: - not surprised though!!

Thanks OpOpOpla for setting up this thread.

I'm beginning to think that Sony must have overspent on the Tottenham Court Road launch of the Tablet S to afford any moderators for this site. I was loyal enough to Sony to queue for 17 hours on the street to get this tablet, the least they can do is let us know what the hell is going on. Maybe that experience should have been a warning - they certainly didn't seem to care about us in the same way that Apple caters to all their loyal pre-launch campers.

I used to be so proud of my tablet - it was different; everyone asked me what it was. Now I'm embarrassed by it - it drops WiFi, the screen keeps dimming randomly, artifacts crop us occasionally on video playback, there is noticable lag on text-input, browser crashing...the list goes on.

Can we all try posting #whereareyousony? on Twitter, repeatedly, until they answer us (if there is anyone there). Maybe #sonyoùêtes-vous would be a better idea.

Just got a reply to Sony on Twitter: -

robertcarney87 Hi Robert, ICS for Tablet S is coming, we just can't confirm any dates yet. It's not too far away.

That clears everything up...

I followed it up with: -

SonyUK Thanks for your reply, I will pass that on to the forum as no one there will reply to us. Cant wait for the WiFi problem to be fixed

Fingers crossed it will be this week :S

thanks rob just noticed your reply from sony:

robertcarney87 Hi Robert, our apologies for missing the forum post. I'll see what we can do.

Just a big thanks to all who have helped with this including mattias robertcarney and michaelb just to name a few. Interesting how they missed the thread when it has over 40 posts and i linked them it directly on facebook  hmmmm :thinking:

I still urge you all to hound sony via twitter, facespace and youtube just so they can get a feeling for genuine lack of interest they have shown us. This is not just the UK I mean that to all our friends in Europe who have felt a little left in the dark recently by sony. :angry:

please contiune to post here as if we have sonys attention now (fingers crossed ho -hum) then they may actually listen...:smileyshocked:

take care all and bye bye for now :wink:

:smileyplus: opopopla :smileyplus:

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

I have a 16Gb Tab S, rooted and ICS courtesy of Condi from XDA - who is much more helpful and responsive than $ony.

When I got my tablet, I was led to believe it would work with my SONY Dualshock gamepad - it did'nt, as we all know. (was fixed MONTHS later)

I contacted $ony at the time and got an immediate reply (whew - was I surprised), their response was to ask me for a link to a picture of the device I was trying to hook up, so they could understand what I was trying to do ""~@{~@)""

I have since had a very similar experience with my shiny new PS Vita - it does'nt work with other $ony products either, has an antiquated web browser and a "NEW" memory card format that is horrendously expensive.

One thing in common with both products is that $ony do NOT respond to requests to fix problems with their OS, but typically respond with a f/w update within 24 hours for perceived security flaws - so they are watching these forums and responding - but only to protect their own interests.

Personally I hope Google and their hardware developers come up with some alternative to $ony's portable gaming hardware - like a 5-7 inch tablet with physical controls to allow 'proper' gaming - Android has shown that it is more than capable of taking $ony on in this respect.

Either way, I for one will NOT be buying a $ony product again. (never thought I would ever say that)

Rant over - have a good day guys (& gals of course)

looks like they couldnt find us after all robertcarney...


Or maybe they did and decided to ignore it:smileylaugh:

lol..... soooooo true :laughing:

Tablet P ics update 24th peeps. Unsure if a global roll out.. Hmmm not like the S. Speaking of which I hear a similar date whispered for us UK and Europe owners, well that and the 26th... Make of that what you will