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Sony Tablet ICS April/May (UK&Europe) My Thoughs & Feelings + more


Sony Tablet ICS April/May (UK&Europe) My Thoughs & Feelings + more

OK lets start right from the beginning:

Hi all, (long post SORRY!!)

I am a huge Sony fan! (I wont say was as you are just about clinging on to me by a thread)

From the MDRZX700's which I reviewed very favrouable on youtube, to the Vita. From My TV and amp to my Xperia S.. I have collected lots and more along the way, my friends have dubbed me the sony wh*re but im getting just ever so slightly disapointed now...

I dont have a problem with different roll out dates for software nor do I have a problem with my country getting any software updates later than others. (I do live in the UK and according to certain reports Sonys sale are made up greatly from the UK's custom).

What I have a problem with is the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing mentality. When Sony US decided to release ICS in April for USA Tablet S devices it should have spoken with other divisions of sony around the world before making the statement that ICS was been rolled out. And then an official line should have been agreed upon.

This head in the sand attitude adopted by sony is what is really driving fans mad.

I can see Sony is on a bit of a turn around at the moment with some interesting ideas set in place for their phones and I can see they are making a push to reclaim the top spot after maybe a slight wobble. What appear to be tiny things like a software update really matter, dont let lack of communication be what slips up sony.

I dont want to speak on the behalf of others as I dont have the right, however all I would greatfuly ask for is:

Upfront and clear communication, On your select ap page here in the UK you still have posts on it from last year..!! Just looks dated someone needs to work on info/bumf news and post weekly!!! Even if its  just to say check out our new Xperia GX etc..

Make everything gel together better, I can see you are trying to do this with the passport idea but its still messy..

Software with Sony plays a key part (not talking android here) and in the past I mself who studied electonic eng at uni have felt like banging my head against a screen or two.

Learn to commuincate with your customers, be creative and inspirational.. Lead dont follow. You can take Apple etc on you just need the right people and at this moment in time I think this is whats sadly missing. Men in suits, rather than out of the box thinkers who can commuincate with the many rather than the stuffy old few.

OK OK I have waffled enough now...

All im saying is learn to communicate better because if you can almost loose an utter sony nut like me then you can easily lose anybody.

(For anyone who wants to add I can root it, Yip I can but I dont want to.. I am happy to have a warrenty and doing so voids it. Also is it really my responsibility? If we take a look at ICS on the Tablet S it does from early reports fix things that should have been fine with the tablet S in the first place like its ability to forget your Wifi in a second. I should not have to work around problems a bit like the flash viewing/dont get me started on adroids fragmentation with so many other devices).

To the moderator I hear sony dont really view these sites, I do guess that you must commuincate to them from time to time so if you wouldnt mind stressing the feelings of the forum that would be great.

to finish, this is more of a plea really to Sony but i feel we a treading a never ending circle... I dont really want to go else where.. start to listen...

thank you for your time sony and the forum

sorry to rant!!! :slight_smile:

fingers crossed one light bulb goes on @ Sony HQ and  an exec think I see it all we needed to say was we are just finalising the Europe update lets keep the fans updated... also never be affraid to say sorry its not a mark of weakness its a sign youve listened

im also interested to hear others thoughts on this subject... :slight_smile:

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla

Message was edited by: OpOpOpla


I'm in exactly the same boat as you. Everything in my house is a Sony, literally spent thousands in last six months on 55HX923, blu ray player, AV amp, tablet, ps3 amongst other things

I have to be honest at least 4 of my friends who needed an Android tablet, I've directed them to other brands as in my opinion Sony is one of the worst tech companies when it comes to communicating and engaging their customers.

Stony silence when you ask them questions that they should be happy to provide. People are voting with their wallets as is showing in their last released figures, but I doubt they'll listen to us anymore, set in their ways IMO.

This whole ICS rollout debacle confirms it really. They need to go back to the time when people always checked Sony's version of a product before buying anything else.

Thanks for replying and its refreshing if sad to hear im not the only one reg6ft3 with those thoughts. I particularly  like your last paragraph as its what got me onto sony. In the past you would look at sony as the first option.

sony come on, prove me and the rest wrong.. communicate with us, we aint asking for highly guarded secrets we would just appreciate it been a two way street, we have invested enough money in you havent we?

I will leave it at that for now I could have mentioned other things but I dont want to in any way spoil the name of sony as im just that damn loyal and that damn stupid.

if we get ics today before days end still dont miss the point sony, its not the update at issue its the lack of comms.

I genuinely had a daydream whilst at lunch today. I would love to be in such a comfortable position thay just to ame a point I would pull up ojt sony HQ in a van and wa,k kn with all my tech ive accumulated over the years and say there u go... will u listen now? I mean for them to keep it and just walk out of the door.

I'll stop raning now sorry I digress all :slight_smile:

Just an update btw all from what I gather:

Countries that have ICS:



CANADA (unconfirmed)

BRAZIL (unconfirmed )




This is what im hearing having done the rounds.

XDA have cliamed like previously  mentioned that the update has been put back in Europe (unsure on source as to wether credible)

if I hear anything I will update hear if you wish

take care all

I have a lot of sony because of the promise as yet unfulfilled of convergence. I love technology but haven't any expert knowledge. I have been suckered in twice now by sony, the tablet and the vita. Record losses are the start of your problems sony, there's going to be worse when nobody will buy the brand because of the dreadful attitude toward the customer.

Great thread btw.

For me the ICS delay would be acceptable if Sony just talked to their customers.  I think the majority of people would have taken it on the chin if better communications had been undertaken by Sony.  A little bit of customer care would go a long way....

The other big bit that bothers me, more than the lack of ICS yet, is the lack of any sign that Sony are trying to intergrate this tablet with the rest of their kit.  I have harped on before about the baffling decision not to let the tablet communicate with the PS3 but it does amaze me.  As Kigujra says, the promise of convergence is what pushed a lot of people to buy this tablet.  To fit in with other Sony tech because people do like to have things that fit well together.  That Sony haven't got their act together on this is a huge own goal.

Thanks for adding to this thread  kigujra and hevster, I do hope that if we can get the numbers up here sony cant ignore the sentiment  of its fans and customers.

I hear you with convergence, its almost like the idea seems great at the time or in development  stage but its never actually followed through or it is with such a delay that a new model  supersedes it.

on a slight tangent as mentioned earlier the select ap page here in uk has not been truely updated in ages, if I remember correctly it mentions facebook uk and an upgrade  to gingerbread  from last year.. why not have someone update weekly with sony related tech news...

A lot of info could be conveyedon that page and like you say it just seems like a lack of customer care...

keep posting all (I mean if u like) with your views... its great to hear them and I find it

As sony launched its own bookstore recently I decided to register, as you do, anyway as it took a few minutes to see how poor it is, I did notice they sell newspapers.

Great, as I like the idea of reading a newspaper on my tablet. Initial selection is a bit small but the main  'fly in the ointment' is that newspapers cannot be delivered to tablets!!!!

I like my tablet, I really do but they make it so hard. :cry:

Reading this thread is very much like reading forums for the Sony camera I have, it seems to be same story - a total lack of customer care.

If you say in Dec 2011 you are going to release an update soon and we get to May 2012 without any other communication, it's not really looking after your customers is it!!!

Sony please talk to us, we are where your profit comes from, your customers.

Thanks to everyone posting here, I don't have any further news sadly for you 😞 Please keep posting all, this thread is for from over!! I have now linked this page on the Sony Facebook page as from all accounts they read that more than their own forum. Thanks michaelb104 and sehuxle, sorry to hear your pains also!!!

If anyone has a Twitter account if they could tweet a link to Sony UK's Twitter with this thread that would be excellent and much appreciated!!!

Lol my daydream I mentioned in an above post of pulling up outside Sony hq and dropping off every Sony item I own and saying you might want to listen to the fans and customers actually turned into last night's dream and do you what the outcome was...? I seem to recall blank expressions and nothing more... Was it a dream or reality?? (for the record, it was a dream, sadly I don't have the finances to do that, and besides I couldn't talk to all you great guys) 🙂

Sorry I'm good at digressing...

Sony if you don't keep listening... We will just keep posting and  after yesterday'sshare price news I think it's about time you did, that's delivered with a tone that's not threatening but more tired, downbeat and disappointed 😞


Ps just to add, this thread has now been linked on Sony's Facebook and YouTube pages, surely they can't ignore for much longer.

Btw ics in Canada is now confirmed, was talking to a friend yesterday.