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KD-55XE9005: incorrect video orientation

When playing videos, which were recorded e.g. on iphone in vertical position, the displayed video is not rotated correctly -> it is rotated by 90deg counter-clockwise, but with correct x and y dimensions, see attached snapshot of such video:


I have Android TV (Sony KD-55XE9005) and videos were played in Kodi 18.9 app.


The issue does not occur if MediaCodec Surface (i.e. HW acceleration) is turned off, but in this case video playback is extremely-slow.

Some further details and comments about that issuse can be found here:




Bug report to MediaTek chip manufacturer RealTek at their contact page (https://www.mediatek.com/about/contact-us) didnt result in any feedback (reported on 30sep2020).

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