
High-quality HDMI output on ZV-1

Has anyone managed to get a good, low-latency HDMI output from Sony ZV-1?


I'm trying to get a real-time video out of ZV-1. I'm using micro-HDMI to HDMI cable, but the camera seems to output at most 1080p at 30fps, and the video feed appears to have 150ms latency. HDMI output looks significantly worse that the preview on camera's screen.


I get 1080p@30Hz HDMI output even when the camera is connected directly to a 4K@60Hz monitor, and even when it's recording in 4K. I've tried with different monitors and HDMI capture devices, and the problem appears to be squarely on Sony's side.


Am I missing something? How can a "vlog" camera has such an awful output? Is there some setting for HDMI output fps and resolution?



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