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VPCEB3C5E Battery Showing Unknown Remaining.(Help Please)

Hello there,

I bought this laptop from Germany and ordered it from Sony's Online website last year.

My problem is my laptop was getting stuck, So I installed recovery disk,

After installing that I got Error that My Battery is Critical and I have to remove the battery and install the new one or resinsert the battery again.

Tried this Battery with the same model of another Laptop working fine and charging too.

Now the Problem is my laptop is not turning on battery. and not even Charging it and showing me Unknown Remaining.

Tried contacting Sony support but no answer from there.

Please help me out and tell me what should I do?

1- Inserted a Brand New Battery getting same problem issue ( Unknown Remaining ). Not turning On Battery.

2- Checked this Battery with another laptop its working fine there and charging too and even showing 60-70% Charged.

3- Installed Recovery Disk 4-5 times but Issue is still there.

4- Some one told me to install another version of WIN7 on it, this model came with Win7 Home Premium, I tried Win7 Pro , Win7 Ultimate , Got same Issue.


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