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WH-1000XM3 Defective Headband Design

I have owned my pair of WH-1000XM3's for just over a year and loved them, they were a great upgrade over my last pair and I could only sing their praises.


That was until an issue popped up that showed a complete flaw with the design of the headband on my unit, I care for my headphones very well and always put them in the case after usage and used them stricly under intended usage.


The issue is that the headband on mine has cracked on the right side where a thin piece of plastic holds this clip in, I think this is unacceptable that this isn't covered and I would have to pay upwards of £80 to get them fixed when they already cost me £300. Before this I would have highly recommended these headphones to people who are looking for a good pair of wireless noise cancelling headphones; however the build quality has completely thrown that out of the window.


The support I have recieved thus far is inadequate and I would like for this issue to be acknowledged as a fault as I have found several examples of this already. I would like for these to be replaced without cost as this is a ridiculous issue on headphones of this cost.







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