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Is sony customer service this bad!!??

So I received a KD-55XE7073SU yesterday that had a chip on the screen, at first I thought it was dust but after trying to wipe it with a soft cloth it was clear it was a chip on the panel.

I phoned customer service they automatically asumed it was me straight of the bat by saying sony will not deal with physical damage that has been done by user. I said right okay I will contact the retailer (argos) I bought it from again he said argos won’t replace it since its physical damage.

Contacted argos and got it replaced with zero issues!! Im starting to regret my sony purchase, I have never experienced such ignorant and rude customer service. Do these guys actually think everything that gets assembled is 100% free of damage and that all there sony builders do not make mistakes??.

Let me tell you there is not one company that sends out 100% perfect products! everytime, there’s always someone that has a bad day, messes up or doesn’t package the product up right.

If I don’t get any reinsurance that when this product becomes faulty that im not automatically going to get the blame and shuned off, then im sorry but this is getting returned within the 30 day money back gurantee and switching to samsung!. maybe it was just a bad rude agent that I got.

sony make such amazing tvs its just sad about the customer service I mean argos is so small than sony yet they dealt with it amazingly you’d expect sony to be the same.

Who Me Too'd this topic