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VIAO VPCF11J0E stays connected to WiFi but loses Internet connection

I have had a Viao VPCF11J0E for nearly a year, I use it most of the time with my BTInternet home hub.

I keep finding that I have lost my Internet connection though still connected to the WiFi of the home hub.  I have two other PCs on the hom hub and they carry on working fine.  Sometimes I can switch off the WiFi on the Viao for a short time and it will reconnect with Internet but most times it does not.  I usually shutdown the PC and restart, usually the laptop will connect properly then but sometimes I need to also do a restart on the home hub so I usually do that anyway to save time.

This seems to be getting more frequent, I think it has happened twice today.

I am sitting two or threee feet from the home hub so I don't think it is signal level problem (one of the other PCs is the other side of the house).

This is getting more annoying and I am wondering about going back to using a wired Ethernet connection.


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