
4K 55X8505B - iManual gripe


Great TV - if only I could learn how to use it properly by reading a manual that isn't online!


I am sure this will turn into a Victor Meldrew ran,  but even If I begrudgingly accept that the complexity of the TV is such that it really is simply uneconomic for Sony to print manuals in the myriads of languages neccesary for some  it's bemused older customers, at least make it easy for me to print one out.


Now dont get me wrong, I would hate for your 75 billion dollar profit this year to take a hit, so I am very happy to save up over time and buy the ink. However, as far as I can work out I have to figure out which bits I want to print out from the encyplodeia, then  print it out, almost page by page.


I want the whole thing please, so I can sit, read, play with remote, refer to it, remind myself, and learn how to use your majestic telly properly - over a period of time, off a printed page. 


Would it not be possibe to make the manual available as a PDF download, rather than just HTML. At least I can then make my ludicrously old fashioned and ludite choice of printing off a manual - so I can figure out how to work the telly. Many thanks. Victor.

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