BDV-N7100W random input problem, detection looping

I recently bought the Sony home cinema BDV-N7100W.
I have connected our PVR-device (ADB 5812 PVR) to the HDMI1 input.

Almost all the time, the input signal is detected, then blacks out, then detected again, blacks out, and it loops like this forever..


Only solution is to re-plug the power-cable. Then it works. Until next time I switch on the system from standby mode. Or, actually, the problem might occur after playing av DVD-movie and I switch back to the HDMI1 signal.


Seems like the N7100W not always appreciate the input signal. Why is this?
Please note that this occurs randomly (every 2 or 3rd time we watch TV), and more now than a week ago, it seems..

Here is a movie showing the problem.

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