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XAV-601BT several things

XAV-601BT several things


I've added mp3 files to a USB stick, including album artwork. Added 12 albums. Four album's artwork will not show, just the coloured squares with the album title. Have checked they meet the size criteria (my artwork is 600 x 600 pixels). They also have the same specification as the artwork that is showing.

Any ideas why some don't show properly please?


Just wanted to pass on an idea to Sony. I've had some problems with my xav-601BT unit in my car. Some features stop working and a reset solves the problems. I've done this twice now in 2 weeks. This unit takes a long time to set-up because of the large number of features. Would it be possible to write into a firmware upgrade the possibility to save a settings file to a USB stick, which can then be read from the USB stick following a unit reset?

Pity, it's a lovely unit.


Does anyone else notice this unit gets hot when playing videos, and when so, some of the settings features are greyed out? I have checked the fan is rotating and the area around the fan port is clear, and not covered with wires or anything.


Updated firmware appeared on the support page for this product dated 16th August, but has already been removed from the web page, so was only there for about a week. Why has it been removed so soon?

I think that's all  :slight_smile: