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Will a Sony CDX-DAB700U operate a Multi Disc Player?

Will a Sony CDX-DAB700U operate a Multi Disc Player?


Just purchased this head unit which I'm very happy with. Just wondered if it will run a multi disc player in case I wish to install in the future. If so, does it require additional cables and what would you recommend in terms of a compatible multi disc player.


Rob :slight_smile:


Hi Rob,

I'm afraid the CDX-DAB700U does not have a facility to add a multi disc player.  I think this is a pretty recent model, and as far as I know Sony don't make multi-disc players anymore.

I think the reason Sony stopped making the multi disc players was because of MP3 players coming along basically.  The multi disc players used to hold 6 or 10 CDs (depending on the model); an MP3 player or a USB stick can store many more CDs worth of music and are a fraction of the size ... so they killed off the demand for CD autochangers.

So I suppose the answer is to spend your money on an MP3 player or a USB memory key (if you don't already have one), and want the same sort of facility that an autochanger would have offered.  In terms of additional cables if you go this route, you shouldn't need anything special, unless you use an iPod, in which case there is a specific lead (RC-100IP) that is recommended to connect it to the USB input on the front of your stereo.

Hope this helps?