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Sony NWZ B163 & Napster

Sony NWZ B163 & Napster

"Your NWZ B163 needs to be reformatted because your digital rights management software has become corrupted"

I have formatted the device and still no end to this issue.

I subscribe to Napster and have been using a Sony B135 for a while as a TO GO music player that I can take with me on my travels.  There have been no issues with this device.

I purchased a Sony B163 as I need another player but the player will not sync with Napster -

Is there a fault with the device? - From some of the other people here it seems to be quite common so I am not the only one who has experienced this.

What is the solution to this problem???

A driver download from Sony?????? - Does one exist?-Can the unit accept updates via USB port on PC?

Does the unit need to be returned to Sony?

If my players do not work reliably then I can't use them which means it is pointless to pay for my subscription to Napster which in turn means I would cancel and look for another more reliable option for mp3 music on the go.

Message was edited by: frazfraz

Message was edited by: frazfraz

Message was edited by: frazfraz

Message was edited by: frazfraz