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NWZ A845 - finally had enough

NWZ A845 - finally had enough

as the title says,i've finally had enough of my a845 walkman.

i listen to a lot of audiobooks and i thought i would treat myself to a new player as my old sansa clips were looking a bit sorry for themselves.i'm embarrassed to say i chose the a845 purely on it's looks,i'm very shallow,and because it's a sony and expensive i thought i was getting a quality player - no chance.

i can almost put up with the ridiculous volume restriction but i can't live without being able to resume where i left off with a book.some audiobook chapters can be 8hours or more,so if i'm 4 hours into a chapter and decide to;

a; listen to a music track

b; put it on charge

c; come back to listen to the book the next day

the player resets itself to the first track listed alphabetically and i have to start searching (very slowly) back to the point where i left off.

perhaps i've been spoiled by the 2 sansa clips that i have but for something that cost 5 times more than a clip i expect it to have similar's real shame as it's such a good looking player but it's extremely disapointing when it comes to performance.

so is there any way at all to get the player to remember where i left off on multiple tracks or is it doomed to end up in my garbage gadget drawer and i go back to sansa players and vow never to buy another sony walkman

please help :cry:


Strangely enough I bought the Clip and was horrified at my purchase.  It's the sort of thing that gets left in a pocket and ends up in the washing machine.  Anyway besides being faulty it wouldn't offer stuff like bookmarking or variable speed playback.  I thought the A845 although nearly 3 times the price was 10 times the player.  Maybe it's impressed me because nothing else seems to offer a Language Learning Mode. To your question.  I've got audio files stored in the My Music folder and like you I want to go back to where I was.  Mine are not that long so it's no big deal if I lose my place. I write it down too. What I've found is that you can resume from where you were but only so long as it's less than 24 hours since you last used that file.  Experiment a bit and see if that's true for yours.