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MZ-R35 MINI DISC not recording

MZ-R35 MINI DISC not recording

Can anyone help please?

I re"found" my MZ-R35 to use after my NW-HD5 gave up the ghost after a heavy drop (too expensive to repair "even if we can get the parts" was the quote) which was a real shame as it was a very good player..

Even though I have not used it for quite some time it plays back previously recorded discs with no problem. However I have tried to record more cds, using the opitcal line out from the cd player with no joy. I can hear what is being "recorded" throught he headphones but nothing is being recorded to the disc. The player states "disc empty" when I try to replay it.

The discs have not been used before (brand new Sony discs, only just opened). I can hear a "ticking" sound if I listen to the player close up during recording.

Any suggestions??

Message was edited by: finchy4

Message was edited by: finchy4


Sounds liek the rec feature is dead to me.