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We purchased the new NWZ-A867 Sony Walkman from a Sony retail store and realised it did not have gapless playback .Contacted Sony technical support who told us we needed a software update but this didn’t work so the following day I contacted them again and was told the new NWZ-A867 series unfortunately does not support gapless playback . Emailed, phoned and wrote a number of times to Sony Europe and the Sony Centre the place of purchase and was basically given the run around when I asked for a refund, to put it mildly. After stating that the majority of my cd collection are gapless play back and if we had known at the time of purchase we would not of purchased the unit. Sony replied by saying the Walkman is not faulty, then it was working to specification, cds are not guaranteed to play continuously without pauses and I should try looking on forum sites etc...... Basically because the unit is not faulty I was not entitled to a refund. I remember saying  to Sony , the Walkman is not advertised anywhere on TV, shops or the packaging, saying it is unable to play cds with continuous performances such as classical music and mixed Dj cds. Sony replied, they cannot put everything on the packaging and the onus is with the customer to ask these questions. Which sounds bizarre to anyone such as ourselves who have never before heard of this problem before until now? You would think gapless play back would be an important feature. Sony you have more than disappointed us, can't believe this big company is so mean .Our family will never buy anything Sony again