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Won't connect to Wireless LAN!

Won't connect to Wireless LAN!

Hi everyone,

Bit of a puzzler - and extremely frustrating - issue here. We just bought a new Vaio VPCEC2S0E laptop which I have now wasted hours trying to set up.

Try as I might, it will not connect successfully to our office's wireless network. This is particularly frustrating, because our office is stocked almost exclusively with other Vaios, various wireless mobile devices and not one has ever had a problem connecting to the wlan before! We have two SSIDs, one for the office with locked MAC address, one for guests (with lower security). The laptop can see both SSIDs fine, but when you try to connect it says it was unable. Windows repair/troubleshooting can't see what's wrong. Strangely, if I deliberately enter an incorrect password, it comes up with an error immediately saying the password is incorrect (as opposed to taking a few seconds to come up with the error, if I use the correct password) - so it is presumably communicating with the router that much.

Things I have tried thus far:

- removing ALL security (leaving it entirely open/unsecure) for the guest wireless network..still fails to connect!

- changing the wireless settings on the router from mixed-mode (G + N), wireless N only, wireless G only. No difference. Enabling/disabling mixed mode, green fields, bandwidth 20 or 20/40 settings.

- changing the "Adhoc wireless N" dropdown under advanced settings on the adapter on & off.

- driver update, according to Win7 current driver ( is the latest for the Atheros AR9285 wireless adapter. Atheros website absolutely useless.

- firmware update on the router. No difference.

It will connect to other WLANs detected (e.g. BT OpenZone) although I don't have an account/password so can't verify that any further.

Please, please can anybody help?!


Just to add to the mystery:

I pressed the "Quick Web Access" button and configured it - this was able to connect to our wireless network and I was able to surf around.. for a couple of minutes, then stopped working again.

Do you think I have a "Friday Afternoon" build machine here?


Sounds like a Windows 7 problem.  Do any other PCs running Windows 7 connect to the router?  The router may not support IPv6.  The WEB connection  does not use Windows 7.

What version of Windows 7 are you running?  How is your office network set up?  Asd a Domain?

As you say - a bit of a mystery.


Yes there are several other Windows 7 machines using the wireless network - including a couple of Sony Vaios!

To add further intrigue: a client is currently spending a few days in our office and just brought in his brand new laptop - coincidentally the same model (well, slightly different model but within the same "CE" series of Vaio) again using this ATHEROS chipset and it exhibits exactly the same problem. In fact the owner of this laptop said he has had difficulty connecting to several wireless networks in other offices.

So... it seems like there might be a fault, not with this specific laptop, but with the whole series!?

UPDATE: Just spoke to a support technician who told me to try a factory restore (which the first support technician I spoke to already told me to try, which did nothing) and if that was unsuccessful to send the laptop back.

I asked how this could possibly help given the information about the other laptop exhibiting identical symptoms - unless both were coincidentally shipped with exactly the same fault - and that I felt it was a compatiblity issue with this Atheros chipset.

In my opinion, given the evidence above, this is a firmware issue. How do I get in front of the correct party at Sony to get them to look into this (I need to break out of the "do a factory reset and send it back to us" flowchart!!)

Does anybody from Sony read these forum posts, or is it just users trying to help other users?

Message was edited by: c_span

As you have guessed, this is a User Forum - Sony do not monitor or post here.

As you have already tried the official support route, I will try to escalate this problem for you. Were you given a Case Number by Sony Support? If not they will need your Vaio's serial number and you can PM it to me if you want me to try and get you an answer.

However, from what you say there does not appear to be a solution available,

I have noticed that there is a more recent Atheros driver available - have a look here: -

Ooh was excited to see there was a later driver version, unfortunately even with this newer version it's still exhibiting the same behaviour. :slight_frown:

Thanks for getting back to me!

Incidentally, the serial is xxxxxxxx / xxxxxxx. I can also get the serial for the other guy's Vaio (although it's not under me control as such, so I would be unable to arrange a system wipe etc. but two wipes/factory restores have done nothing for our one)

Sorry the new driver did not work.

I have asked Sony to look at your problem.  Let's hope there is a fix or if not, Sony will try to find one.

I have edited your serial number as this is a public forum.


This happened to me. From the device manager I uninstalled the driver and restarted the laptop. The system will then detect the wireless hardware and will look and reinstall the driver. It worked for me.

Youngatheart: I tried this (a few times and different ways) can you confirm that your laptop is running "Atheros" wireless hardware? And also, out of interest, what manufacturer was the wireless router you were trying to connect to? Thanks.

Latest update on my part: Sony customer support are refusing to escalate the problem for me (or even allow me to speak to someone who might be in a position to look into a firmware update etc.)! They simply want to close the case as "resolved" despite the fact I am left with two brand new Sony Vaios that we are unable to use correctly.

As far as they are concerned there is no problem with the laptop if it will connect to any single other wireless network (although it fails to connect to more than one) - despite the fact that we have several Vaios that do not exhibit this issue. And despite the fact that our client (who has the same model type Vaio) has confirmed he is having frequent issues in other peoples offices connecting to their wireless also!!

While I acknowledge that the problem may lie somewhere between Sony and the manufacturer(s) of wireless router, I am primarily concerned with our own situation here: as far as I'm concerned the fact that this router works correctly with every other Vaio, as well as all other brands and various other wireless devices in our office (including countless visitors who bring all sorts of different laptops etc. with them) means I would expect a little bit more investigation from Sony before they can wash their hands of the issue and 100% lay the blame on the other manufacturers.

Blencogo did you have any response from Sony by any chance?

I have heard nothing to date.

It does seem a bit of an anomaly that it will connect to some wireless networks and not others.
