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Upgrading from Windows XP Home to Pro on Vaio FS-315 series


Upgrading from Windows XP Home to Pro on Vaio FS-315 series

Hi, OS problem here...

I purchased a Vaio FS-315B laptop a while back and it came with Windows XP Home but I would like to have Windows XP Professional installed. A clean-install doesn't work, does anybody know what would be the best way to upgrade to Windows XP Pro (if I remember correctly I think I tried an upgrade earlier but it didn't work either...problems with drivers, etc.)

Thanks for any help in advance :slight_smile:


LOL I was looking for the link to Jame's site. Clicked on the link you provided Mr B and when I got there there was a message saying I was banned! Odd really as I wasn't a member  :laughing: 

Hiya TR, god its been a long time since I spoke to you last mate - how's things?

Erm, ye the forum seemed to be having an off-day there lol. I was upgrading the forum software to PHPBB 2.0.20 (still the greatest *FREE* forum software out there bar none), and it seems to have screwed up the permissions...

It maybe because you use a similar IP address to someone who's already been banned once before... I'll look into it and try to fix it.

Once its done you'll get guest access. Sorry tho mate I had no idea my ban controls messed up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

LOL I was all upset like:smileycry:

It maybe because I was running through a proxy at the time (Tor) and so I guess that ip was blocked. Got the same when I routed normally though and have only just finished weeping!

Good to hear from you too though fella! How's college? Are you hanging in there still?

I reckon you must be close to finishing the course by now (but then did you say it was a 7-year course?). Have you got any plans in the pipeline for when you do finish?

I'd head off travelling for a year or so before starting any job though[B-) (I chose India ).

BTW - how much is a pint in the Students Union Bar?

LOL I was all upset like:smileycry: 

It maybe because I was running through a proxy at the time (Tor) and so I guess that ip was blocked. Got the same when I routed normally though and have only just finished weeping!

Good to hear from you too though fella! How's college? Are you hanging in there still?

I reckon you must be close to finishing the course by now (but then did you say it was a 7-year course?). Have you got any plans in the pipeline for when you do finish?

I'd head off travelling for a year or so before starting any job though[B-) (I chose India ).

BTW - how much is a pint in the Students Union Bar?

Hey matey
Removed all my forum IP addresses now so it should let you in - its never been so selective before tho :tongue: :laughing:

Still at uni (destined to be the eldest resident there I think!) - thing is its a three year course but by the time I finish I'd have been there for about 6 years!!!:smileylaugh: Health problems got in the way quite a lot lol like recently when I broke my leg in a piggyback accident in January... Its been plated all down the side of the leg - very painful - off the crutches now and able to still dance like a moron (which I was MOST concerned about) and drink copious amounts of alcohol :devil: :laughing: :laughing:

Going back into uni in Jan 2007 - not allowed in before that - rotten luck really but thats how it goes lol.

So just recently I'm moving out of the family home and in with 3 other students in Stoke to try living independantly for a bit - see how it works out like. Should be cool, and since they all love dance music (like me lol) - one noisy household!! lmfao.:smileylaugh: I'm not sure what I'll do when I finish entirely, but a job in botany, toxicology or scenes of crime with my Forensics degree seems likely:smileygrin:

India eh? Sounds GREAT! :smileygrin:

Oh ye the Students Union charge about £1.10 to £1.40 per pint, so its no wonder I get so drunk:smileydevil: :tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I remember when we had to ban quite a few people because they were spamming us big time


Hey matey
Removed all my forum IP addresses now so it should let you in - its never been so selective before tho :tongue: :laughing:

Still at uni (destined to be the eldest resident there I think!) - thing is its a three year course but by the time I finish I'd have been there for about 6 years!!!:smileylaugh: Health problems got in the way quite a lot lol like recently when I broke my leg in a piggyback accident in January... Its been plated all down the side of the leg - very painful - off the crutches now and able to still dance like a moron (which I was MOST concerned about) and drink copious amounts of alcohol :devil: :laughing: :laughing:

Going back into uni in Jan 2007 - not allowed in before that - rotten luck really but thats how it goes lol.

So just recently I'm moving out of the family home and in with 3 other students in Stoke to try living independantly for a bit - see how it works out like. Should be cool, and since they all love dance music (like me lol) - one noisy household!! lmfao.:smileylaugh: I'm not sure what I'll do when I finish entirely, but a job in botany, toxicology or scenes of crime with my Forensics degree seems likely:smileygrin:

India eh? Sounds GREAT! :smileygrin:

Oh ye the Students Union charge about £1.10 to £1.40 per pint, so its no wonder I get so drunk:smileydevil: :tongue: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hahahaah your life sounds exactly the way it should for a student. Nice one!

Sorry to laugh but the broken leg sounds really funny - if not painful, but what's the point of leaving Uni with just a degree? Couple of steel plates in the leg will be dinner party conversation for many years to come:smileylaugh:

With the beer as cheap as that I'm not surprised you broke your leg, more surprised you haven't done it sooner!