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Upgrading from Windows XP Home to Pro on Vaio FS-315 series


Upgrading from Windows XP Home to Pro on Vaio FS-315 series

Hi, OS problem here...

I purchased a Vaio FS-315B laptop a while back and it came with Windows XP Home but I would like to have Windows XP Professional installed. A clean-install doesn't work, does anybody know what would be the best way to upgrade to Windows XP Pro (if I remember correctly I think I tried an upgrade earlier but it didn't work either...problems with drivers, etc.)

Thanks for any help in advance :slight_smile:



Welcome to the forum

This question gets asked at least once per week so have a search to see how people overcame it. As I understand it you need to save your original drivers before you run the upgrade because you have to re-install themwhen you install the XP version.

Welcome to the forum, Here is the correct way


Welcome to the forum, Here  is the correct wa]

LOL I was looking for the link to Jame's site. Clicked on the link you provided Mr B and when I got there there was a message saying I was banned! Odd really as I wasn't a member.:smileylaugh:


it would seem that installing sp2 upgrades home to pro. when you boot there are yellow moving dots under the logo. with sp2 installed, this changes to blue as in professional.

sp2 is available from micro$haft in .iso image format that can be downloaded and burned to cd.

the main difference between the two is that xp pro has more security options, or so it is claimed.

LOL I was looking for the link to Jame's site. Clicked on the link you provided Mr B and when I got there there was a message saying I was banned! Odd really as I wasn't a member  :laughing: 

Hiya TR, god its been a long time since I spoke to you last mate - how's things?

Erm, ye the forum seemed to be having an off-day there lol. I was upgrading the forum software to PHPBB 2.0.20 (still the greatest *FREE* forum software out there bar none), and it seems to have screwed up the permissions...

It maybe because you use a similar IP address to someone who's already been banned once before... I'll look into it and try to fix it.

Once its done you'll get guest access. Sorry tho mate I had no idea my ban controls messed up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Welcome to the forum

This question gets asked at least once per week so have a search to see how people overcame it. As I understand it you need to save your original drivers before you run the upgrade because you have to re-install themwhen you install the XP version.

Hi thanks..i searched for 15 minutes before I made this post and now i've checked back almost a month and 30-40pages further in this sub-forum and didn't immediately find anything relevant.

I came across a thread which pointed to: but when I download the drivers package from the vaio support site I can't find anything about the Sony Shared Library...


As I posted on this forum before...
Do an UPGRADE from home to Pro and you will have less problems. A clean install is not recommended.


Even on this model (FS315B)? I thought I tried that a while back yet it gave me a problem after I was installing the upgrade and Set-up then required me to reboot the computer and restart (instead of continue) the installation after that...


On any Vaio...

Just a small reminder... the licence key is then no longer valid from the bottom...