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Hi, please may someone give me some advice? My Vaio has suddenly crashed. It states "Operating System Not Found" I have been through the BIOS startup and unfortunately, it states Hard Disk Drive: None. Does this mean I have absolutely no hope of recovering my C Drive documents?
Many thanks in advance
It certainly looks like your hard drive has broken.
Depending on the value of the data on your drive, you could either contact a professional data recovery company - which will cost - or if it is not that important, you could remove the hard drive and place it in a USB Caddy and see if any document folders can be read by another computer.
Google for hard drive data recovery
Or try this link: -
Have you made a set of Recovery Discs?
You should contact you local Vaio support for a phisical inspectation. It can be other problems (a contact, a wire). They can give you a diagnose and a better solution.
Or ... if you have the posibility, take out your hard drive, connect it to another computer as slave drive and see if you can extract your data.