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Nvidia 81.85 driver for FS series

Nvidia 81.85 driver for FS series

Well so far, Sony Vaio UK support have failed to support my new laptop, and it's failure to run Half Life 2 game. (it bluescreens with the latest provided drivers, and Sony are not going to produce anything newer).

Because Sony cannot support their own hardware, I took the task upon myself.

I have a working (for me), 81.85 driver set, based on the NVidia mobile reference drivers. I can now play Half Life 2 on my FS-29XP laptop without issue, and other games run at better framerates than before. As it's a proper designed mobile GPU driver, not a hacked desktop driver, it should be safer to run. (but no guarentees, anyone using this driver does so at their own risk).

Anyway, enough waffle, you can download the 25MB ZIP here:

On my system, I had to add a custom resolution, but I have since added the 1280x800 resolution to the default supported resolution list, so that should now be OK (but untested).

Any comments or bugs welcome, and I will try to update the INF to fix any remaining issues. email me:

The driver is for FS series laptops, with Nvidia Geforce GO 6200 GPU.


How do you install the new driver? There is no setup installation with it!!!!!


Does your driver support the GO6400 GPU at all ?

I don't think so, you can try, Windows will refuse to install it if it's not suitable.

It's more than likely just a case of adding the PCI vendor and device ID into the inf file. If you open up Device Manager, look at your graphic card Properties, "Details" tab, you should see the numbers you need,

Something like this:


replace the ones in the inf with your numbers, and it should take the drivers without any problems.

Usual disclaimers apply, that I am not responsible if you break anything, kill anyone, set fire to your house etc...


I'm using ForceWare 82.04 on my laptop, downloaded from

I improved my 3DMark 2005 score of 120 points compared to the one obtained with the drivers provided by Sony.


Im using the current sony driver and it seems to work ok when playing bf2.

Cant u just use Nvidia's own forceware drivers as it says on their site that their drivers work 'for all Nvidia gpus'

edit:wait ignore that im an idiot