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Networkcable unplugged?


Networkcable unplugged?

Hi ive had my Vaio S3Xp for nearly a year and recently Windows has flashed up in the system tray that i either have 'limited or no connectivity...' or 'the network cable is unplugged' when i know perfectly well that it isnt. Ive used my laptop on many routers without having to adjust my internet settings etc and i havent had a problem.

ive tried to repair the connection with windows whee it has tried to renew my IP but that failed
-checked that the network card is enabled
-reset the router
-tried new cables
-swapped cable ends
-reinstalled windows
-i couldnt find a new driver (Intel Pro 100VE) but Intel support webpage says its a desktop adapter :S
-tried linksys support online (they supplied the router, but support from them was pointless)
-disabled and re-enabled the network card
-vaio support so far have said to try:
Start - Run type service.msc and see that the DHCP Client is set to automatic

but that didnt work all i get is windows cannot find 'service.msc'..... and thats even on the pc im online on now :S

So what can u guys/girls recommend now, ive tried many things listed on a google search which didnt bring any success 😞

Thanx in advance! i need to get this damn thing connected!


I got it by downloading to much
so I logged on to my router and simpely pressed connect


thanx for the reply but its connected! we have unlimited download also so its not a problem anymore ideas?

Start - Run type service.msc and see that the DHCP Client is set to automatic

Sorry, can't help generally with this problem but the above should be services.msc (not service.msc)

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