
Lost Stolen Laptop

My Sony Vaio was stolen two nights ago and i do have the serial number. Ifanyone knows how i can get it back i would appreciate it. My model nymber is VGN-NW235F if that helps . Thank You


Hi Junior,

Welcome to ClubVaio !

Sorry about your laptop.

I know about some cases like you, where the owner is able to register his laptop serial number in a Data Bank. At soon your laptop had been send to be repaired, you will be informed.

I did a small research and found your laptop in the USA website.

The ClubVAIO forum is open to any customer indeed, and we try to help all Sony VAIO customers, but USA customers need to contact the SONY USA.

To contact Sony Style for US Customer Service: 1-800-236-1877 Monday through Friday 5 A.M. to 6 P.M. PST, and Saturday through Sunday 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. PST. E-mail requests can be sent to: CustomerCare@SonyStyle.com.

Please, if your laptop gets swiped, consider this: 97 percent of stolen PCs are never recovered.

Regardless, if a laptop with private data is stolen, laws in the majority of U.S. states now require that the people who might be at risk of identity fraud be notified. This is more likely if it is a business laptop and can be costly, not to mention a public relations fiasco. "If the laptops are corporate assets, they must be protected,"

If you laptop doesn't has a encryptation software like PGP to protect your sensible data... that's dangerous...

Also, your need to consider a stolen Laptop Tracking software service, like Prey.


Prey is a lightweight application that will help you track and find your laptop if it ever gets stolen. It works in all operating systems and not only is it Open Source but also completely free.

Also, you can consider Absolute . For many customers the best company for this kind of service.


I've installed Prey as a preemptive meassure, but I can't get it to work. I have a VAIO VPCF12M1E running Windows 7 (64 bit). I have tried it for several days, but the Prey project site still says "Device still unverified!". I tried to run Prey in check mode as told by the troubleshooting page, but it just says everything is fine. The prey.log file is size zero. Here is the output from the check mode:


### PREY 0.4.3 spreads its wings!
### WindowsNT Lukas-VAIO 1 6 x86

-- Looking for connection...
-- Got network connection!

>> Verifying Prey installation...

-- Checking if Prey's cron service is running...
-- Cron service up and running. Good.
-- Checking for installed .NET Framework...
-- Required .NET version 2.0.50727 or newer is installed. All good.

>> Verifying API and Device keys...

** API key is valid. Your user account is correctly set up.
** Device key is valid. Good. Current status is unverified.