How to remove McAfee


How to remove McAfee

Hi, i just opened brand new SONY vaio notebook and find out there are installed tree McAfee trial products I would love to get rid of ASAP.

McAfee Security Advisor

McAfee Parental Control

McAfee Internet Security


Is there any current (end of 2013), working guide how to do it? I find out few older guides that are no longer valid.

Current McAfee MCPR cleanup tool ask for some login/password or uninstall code for McAfee Anti-Theft which I belive is not currently installed...


Thanks for help.


Accepted Solutions

After quite some research I finally get rid of McAfee on my brand new notebook SONY Vaio E15 with Windows 8. Maybe others may get into similar problems as me so there is complete solution based on this guide (Problem my guide override is false detection of McAfee Anti-Theft program by MCPR tool.)


My notebooks comes with preinstalled

McAfee Security Advisor

McAfee Parental Control

McAfee Internet Security


1 .As a first step ensure that you activate your McAfee products McAfee Internet Security and McAfee Parental Control before you uninstall them.


2. I am not sure if it is necessary but I turned off the parental control using administrator password I set during activation.


3. Close all McAfee program windows.


4. Uninstall McAfee Security Advisor from Start Screen.


5. Uninstall McAfee Internet Security and McAfee Parental Control using standard Control Panel’s Programs and Features section. Follow any on-screen prompts.


6. Run regedit. Go to this location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\

Check for the Internet Content Filter registry key and delete it.


7. Download latest MCPR tool from: and save it to a folder on your computer.


8. Run MCPR tool and follow any on-screen prompts (EULA, captcha).


9. When you see the message CleanUp Successful, restart your computer and you are done. Gratz.


Do NOT use this guide if you got installed different McAfee products on you computer!

View solution in original post



This is Sony-McAfee’s “working guide”: 

“How to uninstall or reinstall supported McAfee products using the Consumer Products Removal tool (MCPR)”





This: If your McAfee products were preinstalled by your computer manufacturer, ensure that you activate your McAfee subscription before you uninstall them. Reinstalling from a CD or download only installs your McAfee home user applications, but might not recover your paid subscription term information.” 

Needed, but just only to recover your paid subscription term information”, (if you want to reinstall them later)…

Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)

Thanks fo help, but it doesnt work, that is the reason I was asking for working guide. So please remove to solved check, and lets find out the solution. I am quite sure many people will hit the same wall.


I followed linked guide first


1) I activated and registered both products

McAfee Parental Control

McAfee Internet Security


2) I turned off parental control


3) I uninstalled all Parental Control and Internet Security and McAfee Security Advisor


So far so good. The problems is the next step. I downloaded/started the McAfee Consumer Product Removal (MCPR) tool. (I got MCPR tool from the link in the guide)


The tool popped the window and right after filling captcha it ended on window saying

McAfee Family Protection: to uninstall it, you must provide administrator username and password for the McAfee Family Protection account that installed the product.


The end. I am not aware there is even such product installed. For sure not be me, and I didnt find it added by SONY neither.

All I can do atm is keep hitting the wall with my head. Help,  I need somebody... who already get throu this succesfully.


Hi "AngryCrazy"

I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with about all… (I know, "and who cares?")

First of all, it wasn’t me who checked my post "as a solution".

Anyway now, somebody has removed it, but you could make the same by yourself. Just click on "gear" on the right of the post and select "Not a solution".


Then you asked a "working guide".

For me (and who cares?) is a working guide!

But how must be a "working" guide.

Simple! If somebody

-makes ALL steps described in the guide,

-with the RIGHT order-sequence,

-have the desired results. That’s a working guide for me.


You say: "I am not aware there is even such product installed. For sure not be me, and I didnt find it added by SONY neither."

But which product? "McAfee Parental Control"? If it was about this, how it was possible then:

"1) I activated and registered both products

McAfee Parental Control

McAfee Internet Security

2) I turned off parental control

3) I uninstalled all Parental Control and Internet Security and McAfee Security Advisor"


Now. Are you sure that you have made all Steps Right?

Let’s see:

1. Uninstall your McAfee home user products using Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel: Windows 8 Users (for example

  • Close all McAfee program windows. 
  • In the Start screen, type Programs and Features. (If it is not visible, click Settings in the list on the right.) 
  • Click Programs and Features in the list on the left. 
  • Select McAfee SecurityCenter. (NOT other software!!!!!) 
  • Click Uninstall and follow any on-screen prompts.

2.Download and run the McAfee Consumer Product Removal (MCPR) tool:

  • Download the MCPR tool from
  • ....
  • If you have Family Protection installed, type your Administrator user name and password and click Next.  If you cannot authenticate, follow the on-screen instructions to obtain an uninstall code. If you do not have Family Protection installed, you will not receive this authentication prompt. 
  • When you see the message CleanUp Successful, restart your computer.

Your McAfee product will not be fully removed until after the restart.

IMPORTANT: If you see the message Cleanup Unsuccessful, save your MCPR log files for analysis by Technical Support:...

  • Contact McAfee Technical Support and provide the log file to your technician for troubleshooting...



All those who had problems (for example run MPCR before removing McAfee, etc) had try even this solution, before getting in “Contact with McAfee Technical Support)":

Install MacAfee

Restart PC (better Shut down and then up)

Follow the “guide”


Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)

I am sorry, I didn't know I can change solution status by myself.


My english is far from perfect so I will try explain once more.


Part 1 of the guide works like a charm.

Part 2 is the problem


When I launch MCPR, after the license and Captcha screens, I am asked for username and password for MacAfee Family Protection. There is no such software installed on factory new SONY VAIO E15 notebook.

So I have no username, nor password nor uninstall code (next step after failing insert of username and password). I folowed the guide to the letter.


I checked McAfee forums too and I am not the only one who followed this guide and get stuck at the same spot, all with 2013 SONY Vaio notebooks with Windows 8. Cheers.

Hi AngryCrazy

First of all I’m really sorry for my English that’s “very” far from perfect...

Then I’m really sorry that you’re wasting your time in such a discussion with me…


As you see,

here on Sony’s Community

and there on McAfee Community,

seems that there’s no solution about this issue at the moment.


Till Windows 7, MCPR cleanup tool worked. Not perfect, but worked!

Now, with Windows 8 and many other different SO’s issues, seems that even the current MCPR version not working anymore. (Old MCRP versions, deleting register keys, other solutions maybe...)


For me the only places not to ask for, but pretend a solution, are here:

Non mi aspetto nulla. Non temo nulla. Sono libero. - I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free.   (N.K.)

After quite some research I finally get rid of McAfee on my brand new notebook SONY Vaio E15 with Windows 8. Maybe others may get into similar problems as me so there is complete solution based on this guide (Problem my guide override is false detection of McAfee Anti-Theft program by MCPR tool.)


My notebooks comes with preinstalled

McAfee Security Advisor

McAfee Parental Control

McAfee Internet Security


1 .As a first step ensure that you activate your McAfee products McAfee Internet Security and McAfee Parental Control before you uninstall them.


2. I am not sure if it is necessary but I turned off the parental control using administrator password I set during activation.


3. Close all McAfee program windows.


4. Uninstall McAfee Security Advisor from Start Screen.


5. Uninstall McAfee Internet Security and McAfee Parental Control using standard Control Panel’s Programs and Features section. Follow any on-screen prompts.


6. Run regedit. Go to this location HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\

Check for the Internet Content Filter registry key and delete it.


7. Download latest MCPR tool from: and save it to a folder on your computer.


8. Run MCPR tool and follow any on-screen prompts (EULA, captcha).


9. When you see the message CleanUp Successful, restart your computer and you are done. Gratz.


Do NOT use this guide if you got installed different McAfee products on you computer!