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Groups in my Vaio Portable Music Player....?


Groups in my Vaio Portable Music Player....?

Hi all,

Just downloaded my first 20 albums from cd and all good except the Group section when selected brings up Album names, as per the Album section?! So in essence there is no way to search by Group?

Any thoughts/ideas greatfully received please?



yeah, i found this annoying as well. i'm hoping to be able to use groups as non editable playlists on my vaio pocket, by adding all my music but then deleting all the albums from the album list (but not remving the tracks from the library) and adding playlists/compilation albums afterwards. my first attempt looked promising, with the group only showing the playlist i wanted but the albums list showing the different albums, although for some reason the album art from one track got associated with all the tracks in the group. i haven't been able to test it further as i'm re-encoding 55 cds because i think sonic stage is taking exception to my mp3s and therfore crashing about 2 minutes into the song transfer. which is very annoying.