Attention VGN-CS11 users and SONY!! Problem with FAN!


Attention VGN-CS11 users and SONY!! Problem with FAN!

Hi everyone!

If you have recently bought a new VGN-CS11 series notebook, I'd ask that you take a moment to read this post.

Since I unboxed the new notebook, I have been experiencing strange noises from the fan unit evey time it operates. Before, it used to be simply that every time the fan stopped working, it made a soft "growl" noise (probably due to some internal vibration) for a mere second or two. Recently, however, it has also begun to make a strange, barely audible "clicking sound" as the fan starts up and operates, accompanied by the "growl" at the end, like before. At first, I was led to believe that it was just the normal operating noise that the fan made (although quite annoying!), but due to these recent developments, I am more and more convinced that this is some problem or malfunction that perhaps, will only get worse with time.

Other CS11 users have already posted in the thread "Problem with fan!!" that they also experience this problem, and, from what I've been able to gather, it does not seem like an isolated problem... but this is what we need to confirm.

That is the purpose of this thread.

I would like to ask and encourage all CS11 users to post in this thread if they also experience the same "problem" with the fan (abnormal noises that are clearly distinguishable from normal operation) or anything fan-related, especially if you have experienced them since you bought the notebook and haven't done anything that could "provoke" them (like dropping the notebook or hitting it in some way, blocking the ventilation vents, etc...). This is to have a general scope that this is not an isolated problem that is only happening to a few, and that way, perhaps Sony will take an interest and take the necessary measures to correct this problem if this, in fact, turns out to be a generalised problem.

I have already created a new case with e-Support regarding this issue. Note that these are brand new laptops that have been out on sale for barely a month, and now would be a good time to correct any problems that may arise. If this turns out to be a common problem for most CS11 users, then we should all contact Vaio-Link or e-Support and report the problem, so that Sony will take this problem into consideration if enough people have it.

Remember: the sooner, the better! :wink:

Also, perhaps it would also be of interest that those CS11 users that DON'T experience this problem also post in this thread, to see how many DO and how many DON'T... it may be interesting to also know.

Ok... without taking any more of your time, I leave this thread to fellow CS11 users and to anyone that might be able to lend a helping hand. Thanks!!! :slight_smile:

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Good posts about the FAN + the software driver being an issue. I spoke to Sony again today. They are still pushing for me to send the computer to them so they can 'test' it, but wont acknowledge the problem is :

a) widespread
b) a common issue across CS models
c) a manufacturing defect
d) and/or a fan driver issue

but the best thing...

e) they cant tell me what the repair will consist of

I explained to the nice chap that people have reported getting their machines back with yet another dodgy CS model fan. He said the best he could offer is that before a tech repair guy actually does anything.. they will call me to discuss. I guess this is the best it is going to get. Having had a mate who sent his Sony laptop into repair a whopping 4 times as they didnt fix it right each time, I have zero confidence in Sony on this issue.

I just dont get it.... why cant Sony come clean about this...

Ive now submitted a review for all versions of this laptop to the website. It should be up in 48hrs, and Ive linked this forum to the review so that people who may be thinking of buying it dont waste their money.


Yeah that's great but doesn't change the fact that Sony still needs to aknowledge there's a serious problem with all the VAIO CS fans else we will keep sending our laptops to them only to get the dust taken off the fan and fan duct, which doesn't solve the problem..


I don't work for Sony but arranging for Vaio support to contact the CS members is at least a step in the right direction.. :angry:


I know you don't work at Sony and that you're here helping members because you want to and in your free time. From what I've seen you're an helpful person and by no means I intended to criticize your work so I'm sorry if it looked that way.

I just said that out of frustration because I payed for a Vaio and I was hoping it would get a top quality product, not something that will last for a week before breaking down.


The quote in orange below is from another forum over at

I confirmed with a tech twice before it was sent back the first time, after he claimed the fan was replaced and the sound was gone. It came back in worse condition than before. Even a tech that was sent to my house replaced the fan, again, only to have it making the same noise.

Its very disappointing. My wife read your post and has now decided not to send it back to Sony. Ive convinced her to let me take it apart and have a look .. even doing what you suggested about the re-oiling for temporary relief.

I personally think we should re-oil it and then sell it. Take a hit and then buy something else. Even if it means losing a bit of money. I guarantee one thing though.. Sony are never getting another penny of my money again... for any product.

With regards to the software fix..... I cant believe its taking this long so I am now assuming there is no software fix.. not that it isnt possible, just that nobody is actually working on it.

The tech guys I spoke to at Sony wont even acknowledge its a CS wide issue, and they know nothing of a software fix.

I also have to accept that personally I made a bad choice with the purchase of the CS model, and as a tech guy who builds his own PC's this is a shameful moment indeed to have been ripped off this way.


Just spoke to Sony yet again....

Arrrgh... they really are frustrating. Basically the tech guy said they would replace the fan with a new CS model fan (which is identical to the other ones). Typical..

What use is that ?

Having pointed that out to the guy he didnt really have an answer.

But here is the critical piece of info.. If your laptop fan is replaced 3 times and still has the same issue, then under policy and procedure they will consider sending you an alternative model. You will no doubt have to fight them hand over fist to get one however.

I personally told them I was disgusted with their approach to this problem. Once again the tech guy denied there even was a widespread problem with the CS laptop. Unbelievable.

PS- my review is up now on I would encourage you all to do the same.


Hi to all again,

Sad to say that the noise is getting worse every day. Whereas before it made it only sometimes, it's starting to do it every time the fan is turned on. It starts softly, but as the hours pass, it develops into a very audible noise. I now realise that the fan I have now makes the noise that seems to be the most common in all those that have come forward with this issue, and that the one I had before was the one of the few that was totally defective, like those that have already reported it as having a noise like a "remote control car" over in the American forum repeatedly linked from here.

It's no doubt very, VERY frustrating that Sony won't even admit that this is a widespread problem with the CS... what seriousness is this?? I'll reopen my case, nonetheless, so at least they know that their replacement fan is as defective as the one they replaced.

I think that we should listen to lewchenko and go to every review or online store we can find on the web selling or featuring the CS and post negative comments warning people about this fan issue and Sony's approach to "solving" it, denying that there even is a problem. It's only just that others don't go through what we're going through.

The worst thing we can do now is stop fighting and let this pass by... SONY, WE NEED A SOLUTION NOW!!! :angry: YOU ARE ONLY HARMING YOURSELVES AND YOUR REPUTATION IN THE LONG RUN.


If you are technically minded, then you can open up your case and re-oil the innards of the fan bearing. This vastly reduces the 'errrring' noise. The re-oiling wont last forever though, but if you are willing to do this in the short term (until Sony pull their finger out of their butts and deliver a software driver fix to keep the fan spinning on a low RPM level) then it does give piece and quiet.

Instructions can be found in this thread :

Alternatively keep sending the piece of junk back to Sony and once it has been there 3 times you may ask them for an alternative model according to the tech guy I spoke to. Whether that is true is another matter.

I know one thing for sure.... this is the last Sony product I will ever buy. Period. We have just bought a new HDTV... went with Samsung rather than Sony because of this issue. My own laptop is going to be an Apple rather than one of Sony's too. It's the only way companies seem to get the message.. stop giving them your money.

hi all...i read what you all wrote and i don't know if send my vaio to sony assistance or all wrote bad stuff..i don't want my vaio to come back worse than before...what should i do?i think my vaio needs to be fixed but if it has to return worse than before it is better to have it the way it is..


Hi coral pink!

If you haven't sent it to sony yet, you should at least send it once for repairs, just to see what they do. They will most probably replace the fan... however, the question is will they replace it with another from the same brand (that has this problem) or with a new one like they told me they would do with mine (but which they didn't, obviously)?

Before sending it I'd make sure that the tech you talk to gives you guarantees that they're not just gonna replace the fan with one of the same brand (you could say that this is what they've done to other people, even though they said that they were going to put another brand of fan...) and just insist on that they give you a solution, and that many other people are in the same situation frustrated and helpless.

IF they don't give you any guarantees, or they don't recognise the problem, or they simply say that they're gonna replace the fan with another from the same brand, then I, personally, wouldn't send it. The only reason I sent it was because they ASSURED me that they were going to put another brand of fan! You can imagine my indignation...

Hope this helps you and those in your situation. Bye! :wink:


Hi all,

A small update...

I've been contacted by a vaio link representative (since I reopened my case) and says that he is aware of what was done to me. He says that at the time that my laptop was sent for repairs the new fan was not available for replacement, reason for which it was replaced with the same model fan. Apparently, he has told me that now THE NEW PART (fan) IS NOW AVAILABLE, and that if I send it in for repairs now, it will be replaced with it.

I don't know what to think or say... I have acceeded to having it sent in for repairs, just to see if this is true, but due to what they did to me last time, I have lost a lot of confidence and trust in them. I hope that they've realised they've erred and are actually trying to do something to set it right.

However, when I sent it in the first time I was also told that the new part was available...

Anyways, I'll keep you all posted on how it goes. I won't be able to send it until next monday, so I probably won't be able to say much during a few weeks. Let's hope that the problem is solved this time... :smirk:


I have the same problem.
I will go repair center tomorrow.
I will tell them dont use same brand fan.
So we will see noise still there or not.
Anyone'a laptop fixed in this site?