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Can anyone let me know if I can play an IPOD through my Bravia KDL32BX300 TV . It seems to connect but cant see any files
Yes, you should be able to, however, unless you have surround sound or similar, it might not be worth your while, as I had to turn my volume upto 33 to get a decent afternoon's volume.
A Belkin cable for £19.99 (what hi fi rated), or if you want video - a cable from the Apple store for £50 approx.
£19.99 option consists of 2 cables (Red and White?) and Headphone jack into TV, with standard ipod connector into ipod.
Apple version slightly more convuluted but, looks very nice in the box.
Good luck, I prefer my 20W ipod dock/jarvis cocker on R6 through Sony TV Freeview or Radio 3HD online lol