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Attention leadership

Attention leadership

  • Sony Romania Extremely limited to solving such problems.
    Address, Bucharest Business Park, Corps B, ground floor, Bucharest-Ploiesti Road 1A, Bucharest 013681
    Phone: 0372 723 019
    My discontent is the next.
    I bought this model of tv KDL-40W705C
    Desire this TV has the smart tv function among which netflix, which is announced by sony very fast fact because it has and bought has also a remote control button for this application, this application has never worked properly, plus the time is removed from the application and the TV is turned off which makes it impossible to watch on this TV. For this problem I have addressed the Sony representative at the address mentioned by me in the letter to you.Sony led me to
    Workshop for repair of electronic equipment, Bucharest, Romania
    Address: Ştefan Ştefan cel Mare 40, Bucharest 020146, the company with which Sony have a contract.
    Those from this company after 6 days testing the TV, came to the conclusion that the motherboard must be changed, they made a letter to the sony representative, and sony sent them the motherboard, the motherboard changed, mention that so they said, I was not present when they changed, I asked to show the changed plate, but they categorically refused this by telling me they did not have to justify in front of me, mentioning that they had done their duty I asked them to make my TV show, but the TV behaved like I did before I put it in service, the same defect, the same problems, then I said I did not pick up the TV, because it did not work repaired, dancing told me that he would give me out at the door if I did not pick him up, which is why I had to go home, but with the mention in the exit notice that my problem did not solve. I attached this opinion in the documents which I sent you.
    Fine Law Romania says in the following way.
    Art. 11. - (4) Any repair or replacement of the products shall be made within a reasonable period of time, agreed upon in writing, between the seller and the consumer, and without any significant inconvenience to the consumer, taking the nature of the products and the purpose for which they requested the products. The set period of time may not exceed 15 calendar days from the date the buyer notifies the seller of the product's lack of conformity.
    I have far exceeded this term.

Hi Vasilesat


Have you spoken with a member of the Support team in your country?



Yes, but all the time I'm excusing that they are limited, and that my case has been advanced to superiors, this has been repeated over and over for over 30 days.