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This happy chappy was busking in the Victoria Falls car park and was pleased to have his photo taken.

Cosa sono i dati Exif?

I dati Exif registrano i settaggi della fotocamera utilizzata per fotografare o riprendere un video. Queste informazioni sono salvate nei file dalla fotocamera, e possono essere letti e visualizzati qui.

Scattata con Non Disponibile
Software Non Disponibile
Scattata il Non Disponibile
Valore Apertura Non Disponibile
Velocità Otturatore Non Disponibile
Bilanciamento del Bianco Non Disponibile
Stato Flash Non Disponibile
ISO Non Disponibile
Lunghezza Focale Non Disponibile
Modalità di ripresa Non Disponibile
Spazio Colore Non Disponibile
Obiettivo Non Disponibile
This happy chappy was busking in the Victoria Falls car park and was pleased to have his photo taken.

Congratulations to this fantastic picture - very well done!

Here's the jurors comment:
We are pleased about the portrait of the elderly man that has drawn our attention with his open, honest smile.
It was appealing us in particular out of all the other very good photos.
Not only the formal impact of the picture was able to convince us, but also the technical implementation of the portrait is very well done.
The skin texture is worked out wonderfully by the surrounding light and turns the picture into a true character study.
In contrast, the minimalistic environment provides sufficient information to classify the person portrayed in his social environment.