
Giga Juke

I have a sony giga juke.  It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work.  This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains.  Has anyone had this problem.

367 REPLIES 367

You Mock Me Rachal

If you read what I wrote correctly you would have noted that

1   I have not lost my Rag

2   I gave you all sensible advice on how to manage the situation

3)  I set out an ulitimation date to resolve the matter.

Posted with no regrets

Message was edited by: simonjash

Message was edited by: simonjash

I don't believe Sony are still making Gigajukes.

Which, I believe, is probably the battle we're having. They've probably disbanded their development team on the Gigajuke sometime ago, and trying to resurrect anyone who knows anything about them maybe tricky. So I'm not sure who (or if) anyone is looking at this in Tokyo, but it could be someone who hadn't been working on the unit, and therefore could take even longer for him to find the problem.

Given it's taken so long to even get a word out to say "EXACTLY" what the problem is, I'd say it's time to go to letters and real complaints.

The forum seems not to be getting anywhere, but just for rants 😞

Message was edited by: alanh8

Message was edited by: alanh8

Oh, and where do folks send their complaints, so they're all going to the same place ?

Sony do not make Giga Jukes now as we know them.  Like many other  manufacturers, I believe Sony have gone down the route of systems that stream directly, and have dispensed with the HDD.  Though there are still Giga Juke clones around like the Brennan.

I too think it is time to now go for complaint and ultimatum.  Put simply, the Giga Juke stopped working as intended through no fault of the users, they have not lasted a reasonable time, therefore we should expect either resolution or recompense.

I am unsure why certain forum users are complicating matters, and certainly my Giga Juke is not under guarantee and I am not fulfilling any contract with Sony.  Let us have less ranting and hissy fits on here as it gets nobody anywhere.

It's been a while since I came back to this forum, as to be honest I have given up hope of a permanent fix ever arriving, and decided to continue my harrassment of Sony directly.

My original complaint to the Tech Service group was closed, without any solution being given and I now appear to be sending Emails to an ever increasing inbox, with no danger of reply! My musical education of my 3 week old son is now limited to the moments in the car when I can play some of the old CD's directly!

I have tried the temporary fix given earlier and it does exactly what it said, it works temporarily!

Lee - I have the NAS-S55HDE (useless black brick), with 2 satellite units, (the even more useless black bricks). I am running the 'supplied' wireless dongle to the 'supplied' AOSS wireless transmitter which is wired to my Sky broadband with the 'supplied' LAN cable. Current software is 1.01.00. and, Yes, I get that screen when I restart the unit after a reset. Hope that helps !?!

I am/was a Sony fan, and until recently had not had any issues with the products. It would appear that most people on this forum are/were similarly fans of Sony too.

As some other posters have asked, can we rule out a Sony targetted attack? As a PS3 owner with a PSN account, I was fairly relaxed about the recent hacking problems, as all of my details are out of date, credit cards and addresses are long gone. However my phone number has always moved with me, so I wondered whether that could have something to do with this.

That said, I fail to see how anyone would target the Gigajuke. It is obviously not a main product for Sony, given they dropped it like a stone in Europe, and it was never released in the US at all as far as I can see. It could have been so much better with a decent search function, and I would probably go for a Sonos system now if I had to go round again. That said I am not going to let Sony off with the £800+ of rubbish I have now got round the house, and will continue to pester until we get some actual response. That said Watchdog don't seem to be too interested, so I'll try all the hifi magazines/websites this weekend to see how much negative publicity it takes to get a decent answer.


Just thought I'd test "spoysers" theory that we are accessing a built in Gracenote database.

1) Borrowed my daughter's album Ceremonials released by Florence & The Machine on 31/10/11.

2) Swiched on the Gigajuke and selected play CD and pressed open/close disc tray button - disc tray opened.

3) Inserted CD into tray, pressed open/close disc tray button - nothing - tray did not move.

4) Persuaded the tray to close by pushing it (not recommended I guess) - it closed.

5) Gigajuke accessed Gracenote and downloaded the CD information.

6) Thought I'd just check the network settings and it says there is no connection to the Internet.


I have always believed that the unit has been accessing gracenote and therefore is connected to the Internet!!!!

The proof  is now  established by others - I now suggest that it is Sony that is the problem and their Software is the issue - see my earlier thoughts.

I had intended not to atually comment on any further Threads but !

Hi tobler2

Yes, that is strange.  So it would seem that the units are still accessing Gracenote.  However, I have never been convinced that Gracenote was the issue, and didnt someone from Sony post on here the other day that they have ruled Gracenote out as being the problem?

Strange indeed!

The unit has a gracenote database built in (in a simliar fashion to the Brennan), but if the CD cannot be found in it, it then goes to the internet to retrieve the information.

I do not believe the built in database is ever updated so if it is showing info for a recent CD then yes that must becoming from the internet (unless it does in fact get updated), you could also try switching off you router just to 100% sure it is fetching the information from the internet and not pulling it out of the database.

I have now disabled mine at the router from connecting to the internet, which means all my unnits can speak to each other, just not the outside world, 24 hours and still running at the moment.

Next week I'm going to get a very techy friend of mine to see if he can sniff the packets that the Gigajuke is requesting, might shed some light on what is going on.

(Lee stated in an earlier post that they had ruled out Gracenote, but given their current track record I would take that statement with a pinch of salt)

Here's a thought I'd put out there.

Maybe when working correctly the unit performs an autoupdate of the Gracenote database periodically, and maybe now something has gone wrong and the unit is performing this update virtually every day hence the cryptic message about updating after resetting the unit.

This would sort of explain why the units only lockup when connected to the internet, and also why some individuals units have up to date Gracenote data when their units claim they have no internet connection.

As I said, just a thought!

Message was edited by: spoysers

Message was edited by: spoysers

Am I missing something here....?

I don't claim to be the most technically minded on here, there are obviously people here with far more knowledge than myself but this is my latest wind-up.

Now, before all this started I always used to get the message 'connected to network. No connection to internet' when checking connections. However, I was always able to access the song details which appeared when playing CD's or importing CD's or MP3's. I'm guessing this was gracenote?

In an earlier post I said I hadn't connected the wireless station to my internet router since the problems started 'cos I couldn't see the point, or even trying the 'fix' which quite plainly doesn't work, However, today, after buying 65 quids worth of the new Thin lIzzy boxset I wanted to copy them to the hard drive. Firstly the unit wouldn't recognise any details of six brand new CD's. Shouldn't this best-part-of a-grand machine at least be able to read the details and display them irrespective of whether you're connected to the net or not?

So I did the 'fix'. I followed the pdf to the letter, connected to my network, got the same message as usual, 'connected to network. No connecton to internet' but now this thing still won't recognise any of the song details on the discs.... keeps coming up ' check network status', or something similar. So again, I'm asking, what IS the point of having a connection to my router 'cos it least that way you don't have the 'not switching off, blue flashing light' circus!

Again, I apologise if this is old ground. But to me, it's another hassle in a massively long list of hassles with this junk.....
