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World Cup 2014 Fantasy Football Thread

World Cup 2014 Fantasy Football Thread

I woke up today as excited as a child creeping downstairs on Christmas Morning to see if the milk and cookies left for Saint Nick and Rudolph have been consumed.

Why? Its World Cup Time of course and another chance to play in the Sony League!

Dan-Dun-Dan-Dan-Da-Da-Da-Da-Daaa (apologies for my Samba Singing - plus its hard for me to type while I'm dancing.)


For those who want to join up and haven't seen the details yet please have a look at the Sony Fantasy League Competition details Here


Please don't foget to confirm your FiFa profile name underneath the blog :thumbsup:


How have other members found choosing their squads?

For me its nice having a couple of decent players but not so nice having Honduras and Iran players too lol

Did anyone manage to buy more than about 5 decent players?




Ex Commander (Was always on)

I don't understand how they can already close round 1 if 4 teams haven't played yet.

My 3 Belgian players have no points for round 1 and they have been reset for round 2 :S


I send them an email complaining :tongue:

Nico Henderijckx
(ex-Sony employee - fanboy forever)
Not applicable

Can you not click the "1st group phase" link under "My Team"?  As I can, but cannot change team, as all members have played.


Today is where we have the 2nd round starts and 1st round is still playing - a cross-over point.


:tongue: Sticking tongue out, as you like to do it :tongue:
Ex Commander (Was always on)

Ah yes I see. This system is definitely not as good as the premierleague one :tongue:

Nico Henderijckx
(ex-Sony employee - fanboy forever)
Not applicable

Agreed tweety2b


I think the lack of updates/stats/tables is the real problem - user friendlyness seems ok, but needs a dedicated "save" button, just in case you make a mistake (re:drewde)



Not applicable

@tweety2b - Why does it now say that the league is created by "tea'n'toast"  ??  :tongue:
Ex Commander (Was always on)

If only I would now. Maybe because I was having tea and toast when I created it :S

Nico Henderijckx
(ex-Sony employee - fanboy forever)
Not applicable

Oh why Oh why can I not transfer my whole team between rounds - and have to wait until the next stage (group of 16) - My team is rubbish !

Not applicable

I think something is wrong with the Sony community WC FF league.  I keep going DOWN but never up :cry:

I'd like to thank Roy Hodgson for leaving Gerrard out of the game against Costa Rica.

Bang goes my midfield lol.


I still haven't had a goalkeeper play a match yet either rofl.


Not applicable

I had a fantastic night of Football yesterday.  I bounced all the way from 42 to 14 on the ladder (very happy) - but expect to go down again though.


@Jumpy I never 'employed' any of the English team in my squad, used Spain though > and look what happened :slight_smile: