Nice new Sony web site design but.....

Nice new Sony web site design but.....

Why has reference to the Sony Community/forum, call it what you like, been made so difficult to find?

I would imagine that Sony is not embarrassed by the content posted on the community boards, so why hide it away, after all it would seem that sometimes the forum is the only way for some people to get the answers they are looking for.

Good job I had a bookmarked link because, unless I have missed something, the only reference to the community that I can find is hidden away under the Electronics tab.:smileyshocked:

Not applicable

Hey there


Your concerns have already been noted by some of the experts on this forum too.  However the feedback given is that the site is still undergoing changes of which there will be many more links to this Community Forum - like from Product / Product Support pages as well as others.  Also from the feedback given, apparently there has already been an increase in traffic :slight_smile:  Hopefully all this will add to the forum in the long run...

