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PlayMemories distribution area


I've bought CyberShot Rx100M4 few days ago, now I'm a bit disappointed.

One of functions I wanted my new camera to have is TimeLapse.

OK, there is a TimeLapse app in PlayMemoriesApps for this camera. I've spent my money, explored the camera's other functions and when I wanted to BUY the app, I had to create an account. What a surprise when after registering the camera to the account with real personal info (I live in Czech Rep.) I get just a message that "service is not distributed in this area, logged out".

I tried to register a new Sony account in UK (my brother lives there), we bought the app on that account (that required me to connect the camera to PC), installed the app. So far so good. But now a PayPal refund for the app arrived to my brother's account and the UK Sony account is banned (without any explanation, I have to google a lot to find out that probably the s.n. registration was the problem, that Sony doesn't allow usage of multiple accounts for buying content for one device).

What about at least mentioning in camera functions description, that the CameraApps are not available in half of europe? I'd have bought a Panasonic G7Xm2....


Hi @Jelinek.01 and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear you can't get the TimeLapse app.


It really is unfortunate that some countries have a more limited range of apps available than others 😞


Apart from that how is the RX100M4? Looks a great camera.




the camera is very nice, I'm just missing an external charger, having a powerbank on the go is nice, but the battery goes down in a day and charging it in-camera is a bit uncomfotable, I want to charge the second battery (by the powerbank) in the meantime, so I'll buy a USB battery charger.

I'm used to a DSLR (Nikon D90), but my father have a Sony hx90v and he has spoiled my enthusiasm to carry a 1kg+ DSLR by quality of the pictures.

RX100M4 is bigger than hx90v, it has a shorter lens and it is missing the holding grip the 90v has, but the apperture and sensitivity are amazing.

Videos from the camera are also a big step-up for me.


And even my UK account is working again now and has the TimeLapse license registered, so I'm quite happy now. We'll see if another purchase will cause similar trouble...

Hi again :slight_smile:


Thanks for getting back to me.

Yes it really is a great camera. I've seen some videos from one and the quality is superb.


Good to see you have the Timelapse app!

Fingers crossed that other apps aren't any trouble now. :slight_smile: