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Have a KD-XD8088. Got my pc connected to hdmi 3 with enhanced hdmi switched on.
I have an issue whereby the info banner appears every so often, only when my pc is the input.
Why might this this be happening? Tried various combinations of graphics card and cables and the problem seems to happen with everything.
Hi there,
Sounds to me that your TV might be in demo mode.
Try exiting by -
Press the ACTION MENU button on the remote control and select [Suspend Demo]. Then, press the HOME button on the remote control and select [Settings] — [Retail mode settings]. Disable [Demo mode] and [Picture reset mode].
Let me know if this helps.
Best wishes,
Wasn’t in demo mode but switched it on then off again for good measure.
Only happens when I have my pc connected into hdmi 3.
I have and they told me to turn the info banner off rather than try and work out why it was happening or how to fix it.
Hi hungledink,
Can you please send me your case ID?
Sean Mc
Do you want the case number on here or via direct message?
Hi again,
Can you send it via a direct message, please?
Had sky q installed today the issue is happening with that as well. Definitely an issue with the tv and the 4K resolution
Sony does not give solution. It was a very bad experience with support team. They purposed:
1. Press info button to make the popup disappear (I am not going to press the button twice every minute).
2. Disable info banner in menu (they should know my model does not give the option)
3. Connect another PC (I am not going to buy another PC, it is brand new and not cheap)
My purpose is (PC Windows 10 connected HDMI to TV KD-65XE7096😞
- Keep HDMI connected
- Go to Sound settings in Windows and disable sound output in TV (right click and disable). Sound remains on PC.
- Output sound through headphones to speakers (not tried to send headphones output to TV but I think it should work)
Info popup disappeared. I know it is not a optimal solution but I prefer rather than the banner appearing twice every minute. Also purposed solution for removing info banner from those TV that have the option is a cosmetic solution.
Hope it can help to someone.