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Software version: PKG3.317.0102EUA
After switching the television on after stanby controls do not work - neither from remote control or using the buttons from the back of the TV.
Hi there
Unfortunately this is a known issue - the temporary fix is to power cycle the tv.
Did anybody resolve this issue? It's just since the last tv system update? Please help thanks
I have the same problem. Its very frustraiting 😕
Give a try on this:
Unpair your TouchPad Remote
Remove the TouchPad remote batteries
Soft reboot your TV set.
If not solved try a factory reset but do not pair your TouchPad Remote.
I dont have touchpad remoute, but i I found a temporary solution. I control the TV with my phone ( TV SideView application)
I hope Sony will fix this problem in the next firmware
I got this problem too. Keep having to cut the power and reboot. Every morning. Not good.
You mean the RMT-TX100D ?
Happened to me also two days ago for the first time after 3.5 months of usage. I removed the 2 AA batteries for 15 seconds put them back and then it was OK again.
Sony NEW ULTRA AAA provided with our TV sets are not alkaline but carbon zinc batteries(different elecrolyte) and they do not last long. Try replacing them if you have not allready done so.
We have 50W800D sony bravia 50 inch TV - Andriod.
TV remote doesn't work after returned from stand-by mode. We have to do the hard restart, it started very recently after updating andriod OS. Hopefully next firmware can fix this issue.