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No IR signal (the remote control is not the problem)

No IR signal (the remote control is not the problem)

I have a Sony television – KD-XG8505 – LCD/Android. The IR signal is not working, so I cannot use the remote control and for that reason I cannot use the TV.

My remote control works on another Sony television, so I know that the remote control is not the problem. I have also tried the remote control from my other Sony television on the KD-XG8505 and it does not work either.

I have tried rebooting the television and I have tried setting the TV settings back to standard/the beginning (factory settings). This was done by using the 3 buttons on the side of the TV.

As a result of the above the TV setup procedure has started from the beginning. So now I am stuck on the first setup step where I am supposed to choose my language. (The 3 buttons on the side only allows me to navigate from side to side and not vertically which is needed here.)

I have also, by USB, tried to upgrade the TV with the latest update for KD-XG8505. The process was working, but I just got the message that the TV was already upgraded.

Any suggestions on how I can solve the not working IR signal.


None of that sounds promising I'm afraid. Although 'remote problems' usually are ultimately down to the remote you seem to have proved that not to be the case.


I can't really think of anything you can reasonably do here. All I can suggest is you disconnect ALL leads (and any USB devices) apart from the aerial and try a restart. I would also try disconnecting the mains for a couple of minutes as well BUT DO NOT DO THIS if it is part way through any kind of update.


Good luck.

Thanks for suggestion. I have though already tried disconnecting everything and keeping the TV totally switched off for many minutes without any results from that.



Have you tried cleaning the sensor on the TV that receives the IR?


Have you checked you still have line of sight to it? My soundbar blocked the sensor until I got round it by setting IR passthrough on the soundbar.


Does the sensor or a red light on the TV flicker when you use the remote? This will tell you if the sensor is receiving the signal but not acting on it, or whether it is nor acknowledging the signal at all.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Have cleaned sensor and made sure the line of sight is clear.

No red lights or any signs of contact when I use any of the remote controls.

One more question, have the remote controls that you have worked this TV correctly in the past?


In other words has this problem occurred in your own normal usage or is there any hidden history with the TV such as it being a recent acquisition etc?

The remote control and the TV have worked without problems in our home.

From one day to the other the problem came without any obvious reason.

Well it is more than likely it is a fault with the TVs infra red sensor and or the infra red sensor pc board.

Is the TV still under warranty, if so contact the seller.

If not a repair may be too costly to justify, and a new TV may be the answer.

Based on what you say and it does sounds like a genuine fault. I don't think there is anything more that you yourself can do unfortunately. Stuff these days is just not as fixable as it was years ago I'm afraid.

I have now bought a new TV 😊 Thanks for comments/input.