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KDL-50W805C Marshmallow update issues; Youtube and Info banner - brand new bugs!

KDL-50W805C Marshmallow update issues; Youtube and Info banner - brand new bugs!

As expected, the Marshmallow update brought....


new issues...


1. Youtube bug + Daydream


You''re watching a video and you pause it...

Wait 5 minutes (daydream has to be be 5 minutes too) --

daydream goes into action,

get out of daydream - video is not paused anymore,

actually, you're out of the video frame you were watching entirely.

( you can see the youtube app getting out -- or rather being shut out

of the paused mode -- as the daydream comes online).


2. Info banner on TV mode.


Turn on tv, you soon find out that you have, not only one, but two separated

info banner(S) -- one on top of the other. One seems to be the older one.

What to say? simply a huge, huge, huge, bug -- and proof that they don't even use

this tv before releasing these things.


Please moderators, direct my bugs to Sony and put them on the list of bugs for Marshmallow.

Not applicable

Hi there


I would like to either know how you have installed Marshmallow (Android 6.0) or what make you think you have this update on your KDL-50W805C TV?  :slight_smile:


Sony UK/EU have not rolledout Marshmallow for 2015 and early 2016 TVs as of yet, and neither have they made any public announcement on when they will do so.


If you have installed the US/Asia Pacific region firmware - then Sony cannot help with any issues that may arrise from that.


If you could clarify, it would be great.



Being a former UK resident that lives in Brazil, we have the same model numbers,

just like 50W805C.


That's how I am seeing IT/THOSE malignant bugs. Because in a time of dispair and nowhere to go this was the most helpful place and where the biggest list of bugs and people dealing with it were.


my build is the 6.1.


The home has changed, the wallpaper has changed, the tiles have changed, the position and everything -- that's how I know.


Soon you will see what I am seeing -- including these bugs.

Hi @sonyfan0012


Have you managed to solve the info banner issue?


I have the same problem after Marshmallow Update.


See here:


and @Anonymous add on issues here:


Not applicable

Hi both


I believe @sonyfan0012 is referring to this bug:


Which is different to your issue @MiCal1967



So the fix , at least for me, is to disable the Google play movies channel on the channel setup.


For you, just disable the full mode on the info bar. I use the tiny one too. The big one is just to intrusive...

Thanks for suggestion but I don't mean the top part of Info banner. I mean the low part that contains the program information for Now and Next. This is the part of info banner that appears when i button is pressed on remote control.

Also not all Android TV's have the options of Hidden - Small - Large on the top banner you say. Mine has only a Yes or No. This just removes the Channel name, channel number, program title, date time when browsing channels