KD-55XD8599 digital stations lost


KD-55XD8599 digital stations lost

The Tv was switched on after about 4 days being disconnected from the mains, basically after the android Logo it staid on a blank screen.  Unable to use the TV after several power cycles. Decided to carry out a factory reset, after about 5 attempts I managed to get the TV back on again, but had to carry out the setup at least twice. During the 1st setup, managed to get to the digital tune menu, as soon as I  clicked on the menu, the screen went totally blank, I then re-started the set up sequence but this time I skipped the digital setup.  The TV is on the internet, I can get You Tube, Netflix, Amazon etc, but as soon as I go into settings and try to do a digital tune from there, I get the same blank screen when choosing the menu option. After a couple of failed attempts, I tried the analogue tune, managed to get to the second level menu, but again blank screen, It seems that there might be a software problem, has any one experienced anything similar or could point me in the right direction?


I'd try going through the settings and performing another factory settings from there (Storage and reset - Factory settings).


Also, update the software: https://www.sony.co.uk/electronics/support/lcd-tvs-android-xd85xx_x85xxd-series/kd-55xd8599/download...




Thanks for the reply, I managed to be able to do a reset using the Key
pad at the back of the TV.

It took a couple of resets to actually get to the stage where I could start
from scratch! During the initial set up I accessed the Digital tuner
function but on 2 occasions it locked the TV and I had to do another couple
of resets.

Eventually, I went through the initial setup, skipped the tuning and went
straight to the settings menu and carried out the Storage and Reset Factory
settings option, carried out the initial setting up again, did a
digital tune separately and it's now back fully operational.

My main problem was getting to the stage where I could access the settings
menu. I also checked for software updates, due to the time it took after
the final reset, it more than like did the update then, or re-did the
latest up!!

Thanks again for the reply


This could be a power glitch in the tuner itself, have you tried disconnecting the aerial/satellite cable then tune the TV without it to "flush" or "reset" the tuner, then try tuning normally afterwards?