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I can’t get any sound from my new Bravia TV . When viewing apps such as IPlayer .
Any help would be much appreciated .
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Hi MaryKin, I totally understad where you're coming from, it's just a suggestion that I think it might really help, and the setup process although it's time consuming, it's fairly easy. Best regards.
I reset my kda9 to factory settings, and started again, and it resolved a few problems that had persisted from the last update. No longer have to keep resetting subtitles to off and so far no more muted streaming. So I hope that is resolved, and would recommend giving it a go. But although easy, it is time consuming signing back in to all the apps, and redownloading non standard apps: bit of a faff. Just hope we won’t have to do this every time there’s a software update.
Hey Petebr, glad to hear the issues are gone \\ ._. //