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How to upload mp4/avc to camera for playback?

How to upload mp4/avc to camera for playback?

I'm a multimedia artist using video with music and song to tell stories. I have need of a portable 50 fps media player to show movies on a screen which is then captured on a 50 fps camera. Currently I have sent video the projector from a tablet but it outputs 60Hz and the capture results are impossibly flickery.

In theory the NEX 5N is perfect, but PMB only allows export to the camera of files created in the camera or software. It's not possible for me to go on a shoot with my NEX, edit the files on laptop in Vegas, and upload to my NEX for playback.

Does anyone have a solution? I have looked at the file headers and footers in a file editor and see the camera has a specific format. Is it possible for me to recreate that data structure in Vegas, say, and copy the files via USB to play?


Hello HeffalumpGold - Welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

This isn't something that I have tried but it may work. Instead of trying to use PMB for transferring files, have you tried to just use the file explorer that it built into Windows or your Mac computer? If you locate the folder on your NEX-5N where the videos are located, the camera may allow you to cut and paste / transfer files between your computer and this location on your camera's memory card.

If that works OK, the other outstanding issue would be the file format and this would all depend upon whether Vegas can save directly into the same file format as the NEX-5N (for this frame rate, it would need to be saved in the .mts file format). I have not used Vegas before but even if you cannot save directly, there are freeware converters out there that will save a variety of file formats into .mts).

As I said, even if all of these steps do work I can't guarantee that you will get the desired result as I have not attempted it before. However, please update this thread with your progress.

