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VGN FS 515 B Probleme / problems ........


VGN FS 515 B Probleme / problems ........


bin seit gut einer Woche stolzer (?) Besitzer eines VGN FS 515b. Leider nehmen die Probeme mit dem Ding langsam überhand, weswegen ich für etwas Feedback und Hilfe sehr dankbar wäre.

(1) Das derzeit größe Problem ist ein Pfeifen des Gerätes, das aus der rechten Mitte von unterhalb des Keyboards kommt und von mir als störend empfunden wird.

Es ist ein sehr leises, aber gleichzeitig sehr hohes Zirpen, das vor allem in sehr ruhigen Umgebungen zu hören ist und sich so anfühlt, als hätte man gerade einen Tinnitus an Land gezogen. Sehr nervig.

Das Umstellen auf das Energieschema Tragbar/Laptop in Windows hilft insofern, als das Zirpen etwas leiser wird, aber immer noch da ist. Anscheinend kommt es vom Prozessor, der bei voller Leistung laut, bei gedrosseltem Takt leiser zirpt.

Ist das Problem bekannt? Hilft evtl. ein BIOS-Downgrade?

Ich habe mir direkt nach dem Kauf alle Updates gezogen, darunter auch das BIOS-Update vom 6.7.06, und bin nicht sicher, ob das Zirpen schon vorher da war.

Um dies zu verifizieren, wäre ein Downgrade auf die alte BIOS-Version hilfreich..... geht das überhaupt?

(2) Trotz Neuinstallation funktioniert das Windows-Update nicht. Nach Klicks auf Start - Windows Update erscheint ein Fenster "Die aktuellen Updates werden gesucht", begleitet vo einem grünen durchlaufenden Balken - und das war´s. Das System hängt sich auf, und erwacht erst nach zwei,drei Minuten wieder. Ein harter Reset war bislang Goott sei dank nicht erforderlich, aber natürlich nervt es.

Problem bekannt? Gibt es viell einen Lösungsansatz dafür?

(3) Was mir ansonsten negativ aufgefallen ist, ist, daß praktisch alle mitgelieferte Vaio-Software nur mit vollen Systemrechten läut - selbst Sonic Stage braucht zum Hinzufügen von Musiktiteln in die eigene Bibbliohek volle Systemrechte(!). Sony weiß aber schon, daß es unter XP seit vier Jahren Mehrbenutzerkonten gibt, oder?

Sorry, wenn ich etwas genervt rüberkomme.... das liegt daran, daß ich zZ von dem Vaio genervt`*bin* :-). Ich hatte mir einen problemlosen, schmerzfreien Betrieb von diesem Gerät erhofft, das im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz mit einem nicht gerade berauschenden Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis aufwartet. Erstehst Du mal Qualität, dachte ich mir. War wohl irgendwie nix.

Trotzdem wäre ich für Hilfe, Tipps, Ratschäge natürlich sehr dankbar..... danke schon jetzt und viele Grüße



Hi all,

I´m writing this because I have some rather annoying problems with my new vaio that I bought about a week ago.

(1) The most annoying problem as of now is a very quiet, but also very high-pitched processor whine emanating from around the middle of the keyboard (ie. from underneth the kb).

It is especially audible in a quiet working environment and it´s driving me nuts.... like some sort of wicked tinnitus.

Adjusting the energy settings in WinXP in a way that the processor speed is stepped down to a lower frequency (the portable/laptop scheme of XP) seems to help a bit, but the whine never wholly disappears.

Is this an known bug or problem, and are there any ways to resolve it?

I was thinking that a BIOS downgrade might perhaps help. Immediately after my purchae, I updated this computer with VAIO UPDATE, which also included a BIOS Update released on July 6, 2006.

I am not sure if the whine was already there before this BIOS update, so a downgrade might come in handy to verify this..... but a BIOS downgrade doesn´t seem to be possibe or is it?

(2) The second problem is that WXP Update isn´t working on this machine.

After clicking on Start - Windows Update, said Update does start up, but then freezes at the "Checking for updates for this computer" screen.

The system eventually recovers to a normal state after some 2 - 3 minutes, but still no updates, of course.

Does anyone else have his problem, too?

(3) The third disappointment ist that all that shiny VAIO Software provided by Sony only works with administrative privileges.

Heck, it´s been 4 years since the release of WinXP and still no multi-user capable software from Sony on their own computers?? SonicStage even requires full system rights to build up a music library, for heaven´s sake.... this is a joke, right?

Sorry if I come across as a little p*****....... that´s because I actually *am a little p****** right now about this computer. I had expected a flawless, problem-free experience right from the start, but that hasn´t materialised yet.

Hence, any feedback / tips / hints would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks already and Greetings to all




Your first problem I don't understand, not because of the way it's written, but the problem itself.

The second problem did happen to me once, and it was after a Windows update with Internet Explorer, so you might want to remove a hotfix with the Internet Explorer suffix.

The third problem I totally agree with you, they should make them work for multi-users.



thanks for taking the time to answer :).


Your first problem I don't understand, not because of the way it's written, but the problem itself.

I´ve done some research on the web and it appears this isn´t the first time this problem has reared its ugly head on Vaio laptops.

I´ve found a German-language site with a lot of postings of FS 115 B owners reporting the same problem back in June/July 2005.

As I said, there´s a high-pitched whine / noise emanating from the middle of the laptop, probably caused by a bad inverter.

The sound can be altered and muted by setting the screen brightness to highest.... not exactly the greatest solution, since a fully lit X-black display is way too bright in almost any environment except in direct sunlight.

Guess I´ll have to contact my dealer to handle this problem..... oh well...... /-:

The second problem did happen to me once, and it was after a Windows update with Internet Explorer, so you might want to remove a hotfix with the Internet Explorer suffix.

I think I know what you mean, but the problem is I haven´t installed *any* Win updates myself yet..... there are already lots of updates preinstalled, but it´ll be hard to figure out if and, if yes, which one of these updates is possibly causing these problems.

I´ll just give it a few more shots at the Win Update Site and see if Windows Update, err, changes its mind when it comes to my vaio..... (-;

The third problem I totally agree with you, they should make them work for multi-users.

Yep, they should (-:

I´ve noticed, however, that Sonic Stage does start up without administrative privileges once it has been set up by an administrator, and it can also be launched with sudo/runas.

I was pretty amazed how great my music sounds with Sonic Stage 4.0.... better than w/ WMP 10. Nice *thumbs up*.

Again, thanks for answering


No problem.

Yes the buzzing sound is a strange problem. Might be worth quizzing VAIO Link.

As for the updates you could try downloading SP2 if it's not there already


I have the same problem regarding the high pitched noise, but with the new C-Series! It is really annoying! Does somebody already have a solution for this?