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video recording

video recording

does anyone know if i set the tablet up to record on the video camera setting and just pressed record and left it how long would it record for? a set time or till battery dies? can you set it to record to the sd card rather than internal memory? thanks


More likely than not it will stop recording at around the 29 minute mark. I have not tried it myself but can do so at some point this weekend.

From what I understand is due to how the classification of electronic devices works. If it records over a certain period, it then gets classified as a camcorder or some sort which is why most pocket cameras will not exceed this time frame for video but once again, will try it out and report back.

Ok so the theory is a 29 minute limit is not set on this unit. May only apply to cameras/Cybershots in that case. So far, my Tablet has been recording for 34 minutes so I can assume that the unit can record until the battery dies or the memory is full. It does have a time lapse feature which you can set to take a photo at a set interval which then puts it together into a video at the end which makes it handy.

Settings wise, on the current setup/program it will only record to the internal memory. The option of recording straight to SD may be possible but a third party app would be required.

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

many thanks for that i left it recording as well and it stops at 40 minutes and some seconds, thanks for trying it out also.

If that was HD then your memory might be full. You should get a message if you try again.

I would say if you want to record for longer, change it to the time lapse mode. It takes a photo and then merges it into a video so in theory a longer time spanned video.

Glad to be of help. :slight_smile: